Example sentences of "within [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Opportunities exist to push for new contracts within the same company , so individuals do not always have to leave for a new challenge .
2 A central figure in Dickstein 's essay is Henry James , a great critic , who could be subtly descriptive , elucidatory , analytical , and judgemental within the same piece of writing .
3 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
4 It is in this complicated sense that misogyny and homophobia once more interconnect , and otherness may be said to inhere within the same .
5 Sexual relations between generations become incestuous , but sexual relations within the same generation are totally free .
6 Add to that arguments over which defence budget benefits most from conventional troop reductions , if as seems likely these are agreed in Vienna in the course of 1990 , and we will find ourselves having to bargain over most of the central issues of foreign policy and public expenditure with our West European partners within the same political and institutional framework .
7 Musically , he 's a pop polymath , flitting between funkadelia , acid rock , deep soul , schmaltz — often within the same song .
8 Nobody else can do both within the same song .
9 Groups formed as a result of a parent company , such as Matsushita Electric , spinning off its own operating divisions to form separate companies within the same field to act as suppliers , distributors and even retailers .
10 This is linked with another property of the circle : the angle subtended by a chord at any point on the circumference , within the same segment , is a constant .
11 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same
12 There are wide differences between areas within the same region .
13 A flexibility in tackling problems will , however , be necessary since they are by no means amenable to a single rigid set of solutions even within the same country .
14 The two stimuli thus operate in different pathways within the same neuron .
15 But this notion — that one set of activities is serious and therefore by implication another set must be non-serious — is a naive view , for it presupposes that first and second order experiences operate within the same frame and are therefore amenable to comparison .
16 Permanent inhabitants include many kinds of protozoa ( single-celled animals ) and a great many multi-celled animals , many of which undergo a daily vertical migration , from deeper to surface waters , effectively to stay within the same level of illumination as the light varies .
17 As a result , chewing gum sellers and the successful carpenter who has his own furniture business , fall within the same category .
18 It should be noted , however , that there were several branches of the Leapor family in Brackley , and that the same Christian names were repeated over generations or within the same generation to such an extent that it is difficult to separate families , or even to identify individuals .
19 The CEGB was ready to build Hinkley C. There were no other non-fossil sources of power which could provide the same reliable capacity within the same time-scale .
20 Two were out of contact because of physical distance : the fate of a Berwickshire couple who had emigrated to Australia was ‘ a mystery ’ , while even within the same county a Norfolk farm labourer 's parents were too far away to visit on foot , so the family ‘ hardly ever saw them . ’
21 Erosion may be very considerable , but , because the area of net measurement of soil movement is large , sedimentation may occur within the same unit and therefore net erosion is estimated to be small ( see also Blandford 1981 ) .
22 He rejects any doubts that the marathon and 10,000m can be accommodated within the same training regime .
23 There is evidence to suggest that one victim in five in Northern Ireland is likely to be the victim of another similar offence within the same calendar year .
24 At the present stage of development of US television , on the other hand , the schedules of the majority viewing channels ( and this is of course complicated by the much wider dissemination of cable ) are stripped in a way which concentrates particular genres and subgenres within the same time-slot : the competition is directed quite blatantly at the same demographic group or taste constituency , and , characteristically , for the network viewer , the choice is within genres and subgenres rather between them .
25 For US television , on the other hand , competition for the same audience within the same time-slot drives producers and planners to look for the new exploitation angle which will differentiate their product within the market , propelling genres and conventions along the track of transformation and mutation .
26 They pollinate other flowers within the same fig .
27 There have been frequent demands for a single system and investigations of its possibility ; for after the introduction and spread of comprehensive schools it was clearly both inconvenient and divisive that pupils within the same school should be classified either as fit to take the GCE or fit only for the CSE .
28 Not to do so however is to run the risk of giving inappropriate treatment to different subjects within the same interest category .
29 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
30 It can develop as fast as a Charolais if fed appropriately and under ideal circumstances it can achieve similar weights within the same time span , especially if breeders are selective in their choice of stock .
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