Example sentences of "to have [vb pp] into " in BNC.

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1 Over recent years much work has been done to promote more positive images of women in mathematics , but this does not seem to have developed into a comparable awareness concerning race or class .
2 The Inspirals appear to have fallen into a crack in the US market .
3 There was such a deep gulf between the stern , dutiful world of my aunt 's upbringing and my schooldays , and the kind of lotus-land I seemed to have fallen into during the last year , that I had sometimes felt , when I bathed my baby or sat giggling in the park with Sophie , that I was taking part , not in real life , but in some wildly unrelated dream .
4 Yet at the broadest level the battle-lines could be said to have fallen into this basic pattern .
5 The nation was believed to have fallen into a phase of cataclysmic evil .
6 She spoke in this way until the girl 's hand went limp and she seemed to have fallen into a doze .
7 The very idea of the ‘ comprador bourgeoisie , ’ central to the dependency approach , appears to have fallen into disuse in recent years and there have been various attempts to reconceptualize what it refers to .
8 Cornelius had noted that famous men and women generally claimed to have fallen into their famous careers through sheer chance .
9 At Westland , Som. , for example , tesserae are said to have fallen into three distinctive sizes : 1 cm. sq. ; 2.5 cm. sq. ; and 3.5 cm. sq .
10 Spokesman Brian Adams explained : ‘ The historical society is one of the oldest clubs at Queen 's but for a long time it seemed to have fallen into a plodding routine .
11 More than a billion kilograms of PCBs were probably produced , and a third of this is believed to have leaked into the environment because of careless disposal .
12 He was alleged to have recalled into the forest without warrant ‘ vills , lands and woods ’ which had been put out by Edward I 's perambulations and confirmed by Edward II : he had , in breach of the Charter of the Forest , amerced men living outside the forest for not attending the Forest Eyre .
13 I seemed to have stumbled into a painting by Hogarth .
14 When am I supposed to have broken into the house , and why on earth should you think I know anything about any of the guns ? ’
15 I am sure each would if you rang and cleared this with them — after all , thinks us sufficiently good recently to have added into membership .
16 As I had suspected , we were the only folk rash enough to have booked into a cow shed for the night .
17 The tract also admitted that ‘ there are churches that ought never to have come into existence , churches of dispute and personal pique or eccentricity ’ .
18 ‘ When the entity of the mandate ended , ’ he said , ‘ two other states — Jewish and Arab — were to have come into existence but the Arab state did not .
19 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
20 For a period of the late 16th century it appears to have come into the possession of the Earls of Leicester but eventually came back into the full possession of Trinity College , which remained lord of the manor until quite recent times .
21 A standard vessel in the later Greek period was the peniekonier , the fifty-oar ship , thought by Bury ( 1951 ) to have come into use in the eighth century BC , and it may be that the seal showing a vessel with thirty oars was intended to represent the Minoan forerunner of this Greek type of warship .
22 On the one hand , having been ‘ on the scene ’ for some time , they were more likely to have come into contact with other injectors .
23 Certainly geography helped and prevailing economic conditions played an important part , but most towns seem to have come into existence as a result of conscious decisions .
24 But cumulative selection can not work unless there is some minimal machinery of replication and replicator power , and the only machinery of replication that we know seems too complicated to have come into existence by means of anything less than many generations of cumulative selection !
25 The term ‘ New Criticism ’ seems to have come into circulation with the publication in 1941 of a book of that title by the American poet and critic John Crowe Ransom .
26 Surely Landor 's lines about Ianthe ought to have come into his head if he could have remembered them .
27 On the evidence of inscriptions recorded in the volume , it appears to have been in the possession of Amelia , Lady Lovat , in the 17th century , and John , 1st Duke of Atholl , in the 18th century : it seems to have come into the ownership of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe in the 19th century , and from there to have passed to the Wigan Free Library .
28 One of several players to have come into the Armagh side of late to join the more experienced brigade , Mark is following in the footsteps of two of Killeavey 's most distinguished players , Gareth and Padraig O'Neill , both of whom have given great service to the county .
29 Despite 19 years of close co-operation with Kohl , Teltschik was known to have come into conflict with Genscher at the Foreign Ministry .
30 ( 4 ) Where a contact for the sale or other disposition of an interest in land satisfies the conditions of this section by reason only of the rectification of one or more documents in pursuance of an order of the court , the contract shall come into being , or be deemed to have come into being , at such time as may be specified in the order .
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