Example sentences of "to have [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Besides the meetings at Mercereau 's and the Closerie , the painters began meeting regularly at Le Fauconnier 's studio in the rue Visconti as well , where during the closing months of the year they watched with interest the development through successive stages of his Abondance , a painting that all appear to have regarded as an important , revolutionary work .
2 In the United Sterling case the basis for dismissing the motion was that there was no evidence that the defendant was given any special information which he ought to have regarded as a separate part of his stock of knowledge which an honest employee would have recognised as property of the employer .
3 The minuet is thought possibly to have originated as a dance movement ( one indication of which is that the violas double the bass line rather than having independent parts as was customary in Mozart 's symphonic works ) .
4 The NL appears to have originated as a development of the White Knights of Britain .
5 They also inevitably include such universally popular compositions as Dowland 's ‘ Lachrimae Pavin' which seems to have originated as a lute solo , been turned into a song ( ‘ FIow , my tears ’ ) , arranged for viol consort with six sequels in the 1605 book , and arranged for virginals by Byrd , Morley , and Farnaby .
6 Ophiolitic associations of early Ordovician age occur throughout the Caledonide and Appalachian belts , and are thought to have originated as a result of sea-floor spreading between and within island arcs .
7 Before the end of August he was turning north again leaving affairs in Aquitaine to be looked after by Duke Warin and by Egfrid , whom Charles seems to have installed as count of Toulouse shortly before .
8 Former Prime Minister , Andrej Lukanov , was reported on Aug. 20 to have resigned as BSP deputy chairman .
9 Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan was said on Dec. 11 to have resigned as head of the UN 's Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme for Iraq and Kuwait , reportedly in the hope of assuming overall charge of UN relief efforts .
10 The duchy of Rome was the papacy 's ancient land to which the popes were deemed to have succeeded as the continuators of Byzantine rule and as a result of the Donation of Constantine .
11 The revelation that the villagers recognised four types of diarrhoea seems to have come as a surprise to BRAC , suggesting insufficient research on the part of BRAC prior to launching its programme .
12 ‘ Little Violetta seems to have come as a bit of an afterthought .
13 ‘ It seems to have come as a shock to you , ’ he observed .
14 Tengiz Sigua , head of the Georgian government , was reported to have attended as an observer .
15 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
16 Many of the dead dolphins were found to have died as a result of ingesting garbage — one had a 1-litre Pepsi bottle in its throat , another a beer can in its stomach .
17 So can she be said to have died as a result of the accident ? ’
18 Police said that Mr Summerchild appeared to have died as the result of a fall .
19 He 's the second teenager living at the home to have died as a result of solvent abuse .
20 Erm and ho how many of those do you expect to have agreed as fixed prices at er this stage of of the development ?
21 Their skin was stretched out between long spines , which seems to have acted as a cooling radiator .
22 Nevertheless the third party and his advisers seem to have acted as if such a direction had been given , for a document expressed to be a defence and counterclaim of the third party has been served .
23 From 1237 until 1245 he seems to have acted as one of the stewards of the king 's household , a post that he combined with the sheriffdom of Gloucestershire ( 1238–46 ) and more briefly with the justiciarship of the southern forests ( 1241–2 ) and the seneschalship of Gascony ( 1243 ) .
24 He is believed to have acted as a kind of broker for that dangerous spy-ring that was broken up in Holland last year .
25 Similar market-places are likely to have acted as a focus elsewhere .
26 There are also some ditched enclosures which obviously represent property boundaries ; of most interest in this respect is a slightly meandering ditch , which appears to have acted as a southern limit for the suburb in the middle of the third century .
27 He denied that they had fired on the demonstrators and also claimed to have acted as an intermediary in organizing the meeting between the government and opposition on May 10-11 .
28 During the trial one of the defendants claimed to have acted as an agent for the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 , and allegations were made that officials had encouraged dissimulation in order to maintain intelligence contacts and also to promote British exports .
29 In Panamena Europea Navigacion ( Compania Limitada ) v Frederick Leyland & Co Ltd ( J Russell & Co ) [ 1947 ] AC 428 a surveyor was appointed by a ship 's owners to certify the amount to be paid to ship repairers , and held to have acted as an expert ( and as a " quasi-arbitrator " ) .
30 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
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