Example sentences of "always [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's always the bloody way .
2 Always the bloody same .
3 It 's always the bloody way , in n it ?
4 While textiles were always the major item , the old trade in pepper was being displaced by the coffee trade with Arabia , and by the trade in tea , which then came exclusively from China .
5 As always the major attractions were romantic landscapes and the monuments of culture , but by the 1860s the British ( pioneers as usual ) were exporting their passion for physical exercise on to the mountains of Switzerland , where they were later to found skiing as a winter sport .
6 Indeed , Shakespeare is not always the major focus of some parts of the book which concentrates as much on his contemporaries as on Shakespeare himself .
7 As with all the social services , it would be foolish to assume that executors of policy on the ground are always the obedient poodles of those who think up grand designs .
8 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
9 ‘ Take the witchin' slag down , Jazz-babe , ’ shrilled Andrew Jean , her lieutenant , always the encouraging soul .
10 In whatever street we live , our garden is always the shabby one .
11 The buccaneer impulse revealed in these artless words accounts for the vigorous campaigns against other villains in other castles , though the immediate object is almost always the traditional one of help for a distressed damsel .
12 Medication is not always the right resource in times of distress , but there are certain situations that are so terrible that you will need something to help you through the first few months .
13 But , as Dent points out , recycling is n't always the right answer to disposing of waste plastics .
14 He was always the arch enemy and Carrie was invariably his evil assistant .
15 His demeanour however , was closer to the big businessman than the professional comedian , so there was always the lingering suspicion that he was really the benevolent boss who made the directors laugh at board meetings and probably did conjuring tricks at the weekend .
16 Always the rear one lagged behind the front one by 22 seconds .
17 We 'll be talking about the important practical details you have to grapple with when making your selection , but the first and last point is always the overall view of the project and objectives .
18 As always the Blue Note Jazz Band will provide an excellent night of music with Roger Bennett of Radio Bristol .
19 It is however in the naked male figure , always the central theme of Greek art , that we first see , alongside the changed spirit , the vital loosening of formal structure by which sculptors of this generation made clear their break with archaic conventions and opened the way to classical developments .
20 I was almost definitely always the domineering one , as I was brighter at work , and had a more forward and independent personality .
21 an allusion to the Utilitarians , followers of Jeremy Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) , who held that self-interest was always the prime motivating force in human nature .
22 ‘ Working with the best international designer labels , I learned about comfort — something that was n't always the prime consideration in the traditional British off-the-peg suit . ’
23 In biology , the most obvious explanation is not always the correct one , and much ‘ obvious ’ evidence has been disproved by careful , modern research .
24 Always the keen riposte , ’ he remarked .
25 I must have been awfully slow , I never got in ahead of her and was always the poor mutt who staggered into the office in the small hours , bleary-eyed and half-dead , while Olive , yawning profusely and clutching her hot water bottle to her bosom , was able to trip down the path to her waiting bed and not surface till about midday the next day .
26 We 're always the poor infantry
27 I had always argued against sit-ins and ‘ direct action ’ against campus property as it was always the poor bloody infantry — the cleaners , maintenance men and secretaries — who got the rough end of the pineapple , never the generals in command .
28 There would be a substantial tax yield for government , because the first call on the profits of any sole-trader or partnership is always the living expenses of its proprietors , and this distribution would be taxed .
29 Yet there is always the countervailing desire to put yourself forward , to take your stand as the valuable exception .
30 Even though many hoteliers admit that hotel guests are not always the principal users of leisure facilities , it has been shown that their existence does influence many people in their choice of a place to stay .
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