Example sentences of "came to a " in BNC.

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1 But at that moment their creaking conveyance gave a sudden fearsome jerk and came to a dead stop .
2 At the intersection of the paths she came to a fountain .
3 She came to a blackboard on which she read , ‘ Sea fishing .
4 There has been criticism of the group 's wheeling and dealing which came to a head with the surprise sale of the William Hill / Mecca betting shops chain to Brent Walker .
5 He came to a decision to which on the evidence before him he was entitled to come , and it was not a decision with which the court could properly interfere .
6 As the congress came to a close , Janis Aboltins , vice-chairman of the Latvian state planning commission , said the call for independence could create problems in negotiating more econonic freedom from the Kremlin .
7 Soon after setting off we came to a forested valley along the banks of the Gwaun .
8 But a few minutes after he was launched into the speech he came to a dead stop , stared strangely at the gallery in silence , and could not go on .
9 Even five years later a clergyman who came to a retreat which he conducted thought him the oddest sight , sartorially , which he had seen among academics .
10 Her disenchantment with the Foreign Office , already evident over Rhodesia and the EEC , came to a head during the Falklands War and she brought in Sir Anthony Parsons ( who had impressed her during the war when he was ambassador to the United Nations ) to advise on foreign affairs and appointed Roger Jackling to advise on defence .
11 Until at the top of the hill , despite spotting Hermione 's black hair and bright red jacket down below her , she came to a stop .
12 North West North West match angling almost came to a total halt at the weekend with virtually all major matches called off .
13 We talked and gradually came to a decision that was quite contrary to the one we had held when we hauled ourselves out of our clothes a half-hour before .
14 The project came to a head a year ago , when Ulrich Seifert , VW 's head of research , and Herbert Schaefer , VW 's design chief , commissioned the designs from Switzerland 's Art Centre College .
15 For an anguished three minutes Herr Nordern thought that the Lada would not work but , in company with a neighbour s antiquated Volkswagen , after a bout of racking , early morning , heavy smoker 's coughing , it came to a sort of half-life as , quite unnecessarily , because the Lada 's engine could be heard half-way across Berlin , Herr Nordern tooted its feeble horn .
16 A letter to The Times of 1923 , for example , drew attention to ‘ the dangers arising from the Americanization of the British Empire from the excessive number of American motion pictures shown ’ , but things came to a head in 1924 .
17 The service was facing its biggest crisis since the ambulances came to a stop in the Winter of Discontent ten years ago .
18 ‘ People seemed to disappear under debris , and we came to a rest .
19 On March 29 1985 , Jose Manuel 's inquiry came to a brutal end .
20 Mounting discontent came to a head over a professional insurance scheme which Fimbra attempted to force on all its members .
21 The crisis came to a head on 27 June 1961 , when the British Embassy in Baghdad reported the movement of Iraqi troops and tanks from the capital to Basra .
22 He appealed this week for last-minute talks to avert a horrific war , and his officials have implied that , if it came to a fight , Egyptian forces would not penetrate Iraq itself .
23 Sunday racing would do wonders ; but when a bill to allow this came to a crucial vote in the House of Lords three years ago , the Jockey Club 's then senior steward , Lord Fairhaven , did not bother to attend .
24 Myself and English , as she is taught in schools , came to a conflict and gradually to a more and more friendly agreement through the necessity of writing long letters daily to one who was neither a schoolboy nor an elder , the subject of the letters being matters concerning nobody else in the world .
25 To paraphrase the last chapter of Sellar and Yeatman 's classic 1066 And All That , West Indies were thus clearly top nation , and History came to a .
26 Bob Willis 's Test career came to a sad end at Headingley in 1984 , as Michael Holding hit him for five sixes .
27 Then , with a girl who loved him on the seat of his bike , he came to a bridge he was never to cross .
28 Most of the pits and most of the ports came to a halt and the morning 's newspapers also failed to appear .
29 We here came to a central issue in all our discussions .
30 ‘ Lovely ! ’ she would say as she cooked and ate it , with the little pursing of her lips and narrowing of her grey eyes which was the nearest she ever came to a smile or a laugh .
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