Example sentences of "children and the " in BNC.

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1 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
2 This was a conference where images of the macabre and the grotesque mingled with the moving and the tragic ; where the children and the handicapped were feted as survivors of a silent holocaust ; where people went to learn the difference between pro-life and pro-death , between cloning and twinning , between a blob of jelly and a living foetus , between a terminated pregnancy and murder and to learn how to counter difficult questions .
3 Large women sit knitting alongside neat men in tweed jackets , teenagers in torn jeans , mothers and children and the elderly .
4 Two years on , Cleveland should be allowed to move from anger and denial to acceptance and compassion — for the sake of children and the people abusing them , both of whom need effective help .
5 Amid the weeping of small children and the anger of adults the pseudo-Wombles fled , leaving only the sound of Remember You 're a Womble echoing through the theatre .
6 According to recent evidence before the House of Representatives select committee on children and the family , had the exemption been indexed from 1948 it would now be worth $7,800 .
7 There are a number of serious gaps between the educational needs of rural children and the existing provisions of formal educational systems .
8 For example , voluntary organizations played , and will continue to play , a central role in the provision of children 's services ; they were also influential in shaping new child care legislation ( for example : The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Children Act , 1908 ; Association of British Adoption Agencies and the 1975 Children Act ) .
9 The appeal was made to them in the early 1970s to offer their home to ‘ special needs ’ children and they responded well , Now they are being asked to accept both the challenge of ‘ special needs ’ children and the possibility of continuing contact with members of the original family .
10 Needham examined the IQ of children and the quantity of lead found in their ( shed ) milk teeth .
11 We will provide a code of family law that will continue to underpin the institution of marriage , give priority to the welfare of the child , and emphasise the primary responsibility of parents for the welfare of children and the family .
13 In most cases , this reaction was one of either pity or fear , and this still persists today , although parents are now more aware of the educational possibilities for their children and the need for early contact with other children .
14 Being responsive to parents does n't mean the development of a situation where ‘ parent always knows best ’ about the education of the children and the way that the school should be run .
15 Newsletters provide a tremendously powerful means of publicly celebrating the successes of children and the school .
16 Traditionally parents , through direct appeals or through a parents ' organisation have provided additional funds for ‘ extras ’ for the children and the school .
17 The basic Income Support rate , including allowances for two people , their dependent children and the family or lone parent premium , from April 1991 are as follows : for a couple with two children under 11 is £97.30 per week , and for a lone parent over 18 with one child under 11 £63.05 per week .
18 When Thomas Turner , Sussex village shopkeeper turned thirty , confides his deep hurt at ‘ the seeming distant behaviour with which my mother treated me today , seeming so mistrustful that I should cheat her ’ , he takes us right to the heart of the complex mixture of love and pain which then as now underlies the relationship between adult children and the older generation :
19 While this would be possible , it would be hard to protect such rights in any great detail through , for example , some form of constitutional entrenchment since the standard of these rights depends very much on the state of the economy and on demographic factors such as the numbers of elderly in the population ( currently increasing greatly ) and the number of children and the size of the working population .
20 Working as a team we will have the skills to draw up relevant programmes for individual children and the ability to keep these programmes regularly updated .
21 The first beatitude shocks us with this blunt realization that true happiness is reserved for children and the poor .
22 What with the children and the school fees .
23 ‘ The GCSE ’ , he continues , ‘ with its emphasis on ‘ course-work ’ , ‘ continuous assessment ’ and ‘ transferable personal skills ’ is designed to minimize the distinction between academically gifted children and the others .
24 She was pondering this in a panic , when she heard the scream of the children and the sound of feet running .
25 Anna , who lives in Alton , was given a rousing send-off by friends and colleagues , with a party also attended by her five children and the oldest and youngest of her grandchildren .
26 At the Recreation field the Union Jack was unfurled , patriotic songs sung , dancing displays given and tea and cake dispensed to children and the training ship boys ..
27 With my outside erection , the trees all grown , I needed some new green children and the cry to soften the interior of the house appealed to me .
28 Stories of his private life are rife , the latest headlines are about a broken marriage , custody of the children and the inevitable dressing-room disagreements .
29 Priority for all purchases is given first to local-authority and private tenants in the LDDC area and , second , to local-authority and private tenants in any part of the Dockland boroughs , their children and the children of tenants in the first category .
30 The spraying of Third World children and the pseudoresearch described by Rao and colleagues raises serious ethical and scientific issues .
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