Example sentences of "went [adv prt] well " in BNC.

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1 For the first time in my life , my hair behaved itself and curled round my face in a manner which I considered most flattering , and my make-up went on well on a skin which did n't have one spot or blemish .
2 Enquiries on the ship to establish ownership of the goods went on well into the wee small hours , continuing the following day , Sunday .
3 Then of course there were the social occasions and Dave threw a truly memorable ceilidh at his house before we left , which went on well into the wee small hours .
4 Besides , unless I chose to remain here , how could I see that things went on well ?
5 I wrote a similar piece entitled ‘ The Grievance Procedure , Step by Step ’ which also went down well .
6 The relationship between American distributors and British producers was an unequal one , but when British studios started to make films that went down well in America , executives became optimistic that they could turn the new relationships formed with US companies in their favour , and brushed aside Maxwell 's repeated warnings that ‘ as their films were produced in a manner most acceptable to their own people , there was no reason why they should go outside for pictures . ’
7 Because his budget went down well with Tory MPs ( see page 39 ) , however , Mr Major has given Mrs Thatcher a valuable breather .
8 It was a vigorous performance that went down well with a public that is feeling a mite embarrassed about not putting its money where America 's mouth was once so loud .
9 Salutations 0 Mighty Apollo ! glad your music tour went down well , playing the fiddle standing on your head while drinking a glass of water is very clever , none but a Nero could do it , but you really should not have set fire to the auditorium as an encore .
10 All this went down well enough with the members of the Institute , although it conveniently ignored both the fact that large numbers of those he excoriated had been encouraged into the professions by business parents and that for an entire decade ‘ the Establishment ’ had been elbowed aside by the Thatcher appointments policy .
11 ‘ Sure we went down well but the buzz over there is quite staggering and they are still into all that ‘ noo wave ’ garbage .
12 It was the kind of joke that went down well in Wimbledon .
13 It went down well , with dry bread to mop up the water .
14 In the beginning we had three announcers — Sid Boyling , whose rich round voice went down well with our listeners , Louis Bourgeois , a gentle and studious young man with noticeable literary talent , and Bob MacLean , the very steady and well-spoken son of a senior CPR official .
15 I do n't know how much they really enjoyed it , but judging by the expressions on their faces and the way they all went out talking about Dawn , I think it went down well .
16 In the Republican 1980s , when the spending of government money on industrial research and development was not in favour , such appeals to crypto-industrial policy went down well in some quarters .
17 Reagan 's low-key , laid-back , non-specific approach clearly went down well with legislators who , for once , could feel they were being treated as genuine co-partners in the policy-making process .
18 It went down well with plump rabbit served with deep-fried julienne basket of fennel , rack of lamb with aubergine , and turbot in a creamy tarragon sauce .
19 He was speaking at a lunch organised by the Industrial Development Board for leading businessmen in the Province , and his words went down well .
20 These went down well as the fish course for our evening meal at Tobermory and formed a good foundation for the liquid refreshment at the Mishnish Hotel which followed later that evening .
21 But woolly as his arguments were , they went down well with discontented people , and particularly with certain sections of the unemployed .
22 Her courage in opposing Ted went down well in the Party and in much of the press .
23 Went down well , all things considered .
24 He was smart and he went down well with the customers … he was a good barman
25 Old favourites from the Cherry and Frozen EP went down well with much thumping of the air and pogoing .
26 Together they performed three items , which went down well with the audience .
27 I should imagine that went down well !
28 Further pressure was applied by the Unionists and the joint meeting on the 16th went off well , with " the famous letter " duly printed and handed out .
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