Example sentences of "went [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 So then I went secretly to have an abortion , and my mother-in-law found out about that too .
2 But Carroll went on to harvest three high-scoring waves , putting the pressure back on his opponents .
3 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
4 He went on to bump his head on a beam .
5 The letters were a real find and James went on to publish two volumes of them ; they became immediate best-sellers .
6 While the keen ( but slightly damp ) experimenters went on to test different designs of paddle wheel , Ruth Aplin showed me some of the pupil 's science folders .
7 Lord Diplock went on to test the question arising in the case by asking what the words of the relevant section of the Act of 1968 meant in ordinary conversation .
8 Jack Hathorne was a former RAF pilot who went on to test fly Hurricane fighters being built at Brockworth during the second world war .
9 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
10 In December , London inflicted Kingston 's first domestic defeat of the season with a one-point win in the second leg of the NatWest Trophy semi-finals , though Kingston went on to retain the title .
11 Similarly , the Fourth Lateran Council , in its second decree , condemned the teaching of Joachim of Fiore ( namely that there were four persons in the Trinity ) , as expounded in his book against Peter Lombard , and went on to define the duties of secular rulers and of bishops to fight heresy in their kingdoms and dioceses .
12 Smeed went on to argue that if drivers were charged for the delays they impose on one another , some of them would travel at different times , by different means or to different places — and that time wasted by everyone in jams would be reduced .
13 Having admitted that substantial support existed , the party spokesman went on to argue that there was no support worth talking about !
14 As a result they went on to argue for sole custody in step-parent situations on the assumption of children having one ‘ psychological parent ’ with whom they maintain a continuous relationship and bond .
15 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
16 The French sociologist , whose sentence was more like a paragraph , went on to argue that death was something that we needed to share - it needed to be seen publicly .
17 He went on to argue against sending alien rabbis ( chiefly eager volunteers from the newly-formed Council of Orthodox Rabbis from Germany , Austria and Czechoslovakia ) around the country when they would need police permits every time they entered a protected area .
18 Kaunda went on to argue that the image or interpretation given by the press of a particular government coloured attitudes to it internationally :
19 For example , Miguez Bonino who inaugurated this series of lectures , talked of his own personal discovery of ‘ the unsubstitutable relevance of Marxism ’ and went on to argue that it must be taken seriously because ‘ it offers a scientific , verifiable and efficacious way to articulate love historically ’ .
20 The Bioscope very much approved of the description of the movies as ‘ the drama of the masses , and went on to argue that the whole beauty of the movies was that they were for the first time providing amusement , ‘ the greatest factor in the life of.the masses ’ , to ‘ the millions ‘ who had been ‘ passed over for so many years and considered of no account ’ .
21 Some writers went on to argue that attracting high ability youngsters into manufacturing industry was one of the conditions for a regeneration of the British economy .
22 Nevertheless , it went on to argue that a higher age of consent was necessary to protect the young from ‘ attentions and pressures of an undesirable kind ’ .
23 The proposal went on to argue that the development of library skills would be a natural consequence of project involvement since it would involve " more practice in the skills of retrieval " .
24 Mr. Park went on to argue that there were three phases in the operations carried out by the taxpayer , namely : ( 1 ) the pre-contract phase where business was solicited abroad , ( 2 ) the making of the contracts , and ( 3 ) the performance of the contract throughout the stipulated period of duration in the overseas country by refraining from taking action there against the sub-licensee .
25 More controversially , and following Hayek and other critics of socialist collectivism , the group went on to argue that complete state ownership led to ‘ totalitarian forms of government ’ , and that a wide variety of forms of property , including private ownership , was necessary if the personal liberties of citizens were to be securely protected .
26 He went on to argue that the bill violated fiscal discipline and would have destroyed jobs and undermined small businesses .
27 He went on to argue that the key to avoiding
28 It should be stressed that the figures do not reflect the fact that a considerable number of respondents answered ‘ yes ’ to the principle of capping but went on to argue that institutions should receive nothing at all by way of grants ( see , for example , the response from the Legal Resources Group ) .
29 Kathmandu : THE PRINCESS of Wales strained her ankle yesterday on a pebbly path in Nepal 's Himalayan foothills — but went on to tease puffing press photographers who still could not match her pace.The Princess walked briskly through the rough , rocky terrain on a walkabout during the second day of her solo visit to Nepal.After straining her ankle on a pebbled road in Dharan in eastern Nepal she began to limp slightly , but her pace still left Overseas Development Minister Baroness Chalker and several photographers gasping for breath.The Princess could not resist the temptation to chide them .
30 Mary Toogood won the Yorkshire County Championship for a first time in 1932 , while she went on to represent her county on no fewer than 99 occasions .
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