Example sentences of "' and the " in BNC.

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1 Talks on a merger between the polytechnics ' and the universities ' admissions systems now seem to be in trouble , and many students will be left unsure how to go about applying to the new universities .
2 The fundamental aim of the Council is that students on BTEC courses should develop the necessary competence for success in their careers in their own , employers ' and the national interest .
3 ‘ L ’ ' and the other kids were to find it — it might have been Licorice-straps .
4 At the 2½ hour meeting , private shareholders raised persistent questions over the auditors ' and the directors ' actions .
5 Both the Britons ' and the IFL literature contained lurid tales of alleged Jewish responsibility for crime , the white slave traffic , for casualties in the First World War , for corrupting public life and for financial malpractices and banking irregularity .
6 The hounds ' and the horses ' breath lay on the air , while a light frost still crisped the grass .
7 It 's only women firing at us ' and the Atlacatl replied : " Why do n't you " ?
8 The applicants sought judicial review of the governors ' and the appeal committee 's decisions .
9 Farmers can find common cause with their workers in complaining about the ‘ interference ’ of outsiders in their own farms ' and the village 's affairs .
10 The concordance between the teams ' and the research diagnoses and between these and the AGECAT classification is expressed here in terms of percentage agreement , specificity , sensitivity , and the kappa ( κ ) and Yule statistics .
11 Care management practice , which has been mentioned earlier , is so fundamental to good community care and such a key part of Griffiths ' and the government 's proposals that a further word about it is necessary here .
12 And I reach out personally from the patients ' and the public 's point of view , to the people out there , that sit in their ivory towers in the homes , and say , they can not do this to our hospitals .
13 This transformation was usually accompanied by the enlargement of the area of jurisdiction of the kadilik through the addition of other districts in the vicinity : Konya , for example , was made a mevleviyet in 977/1569 " with the addition of certain sub-districts ' and the appointee later moved on to Maras , the kadilik of which was made a mevleviyet with the addition of Elbistan ; and Selanik , as mentioned above , was made a mevleviyet with the addition of Sidrekapsi .
14 Its decisions would have to be accepted by a majority of both the employers ' and the teachers ' representatives , but the government would retain the right to impose a settlement in the case of a deadlock .
15 Both Sears ' and the Library of Congress List of Subject Headings have been criticized on the following counts :
16 Reluctantly Theodora turned towards the gate to walk back to the Julians ' and the interrogatory telephone .
17 Those most involved also experience most feedback and are more aware of the governors ' and the LEA 's response to the report .
18 The relative proportions of each of the parameters in the miners ' and the general population groups were compared for statistical signficance using the χ 2 test .
19 For instance , in Jones v Sherwood Computer Services plc [ 1991 ] NPC 60 , the sale and purchase agreement said that a sales statement prepared by the purchasers was to be reviewed by the vendors ' and the purchasers ' accountants .
20 In principle , however , the public law nature of the SROs ' rules and the fact that they operate in an integrated way with the SIB 's rules should mean that a court is able to take the same approach to the interpretation of both the SROs ' and the SIB 's rules .
21 Indeed , much of the benefit of this type of comparative stylistics is that it foregrounds the discrepancies between the students ' and the original versions , thereby highlighting the peculiar characteristics of the latter .
22 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
23 Shaun Devenney played off three at the beginning of last season and now plays to one , his year 's successes including the Leinster Boys ' and the Mark Ryder Under-22 championships and the Ulster Junior Foursomes .
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