Example sentences of "' [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Builders ' merchants I think .
2 ‘ Optioning ’ , they call it ; nicking best-selling authors ' plot-lines we call it , but increasingly novels have formed the bedrock of Hollywood 's biggest grossing films .
3 However , being unwilling to contradict her parents ' wishes she took three science A-levels rather than the arts subjects she preferred .
4 Molla Fenari and Seyh Bedreddin shared a devotion to the thought of Ibn al-Arabi , and it may well be that even if Molla Fenari thoroughly disapproved of the rebels ' activities he was compromised in the eyes of many by those shared beliefs .
5 At parents ' meetings they must be prepared to be blamed by mothers and fathers with unrealistic expectations of their , the teachers ' , and the children 's abilities .
6 As long as you follow manufacturers ' guidelines you should be all right .
7 We go on being as good , or better so that in our customers ' eyes we are always their Company of the Year — every year .
8 In their friends ' eyes it would have been unreasonably proprietorial of him not to have released her with a minimum of fuss .
9 tragically yes , or all boys ' schools you know here are young men who have had thousands of pounds spent on their education , and when they arrive in an environment like Oxford they somehow seem to be less capable than other young men of behaving with decency towards the students they are being educated with .
10 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
11 When he was given work at a lathe that rounded and spiralled chairs ' legs he took no advice from the foreman , and instead watched the man next to him to study the working of the machine .
12 Because you 'd sort of , they , they 'd go up and then if , if you went any farther you 'd go on to the doctors ' lectures you see .
13 In ladies ' shoes it was a thinner leather and the men 's shoes it was a thicker leather .
14 As the sells his beers to the free trade and to national brewers ' pubs he has noticed both the swingeing price increases imposed by the brewing giants and the reaction among their tenants .
15 But his definition of style , like Jakobson 's of poetry , fails to allow for its multiplicity and changeability , even if it points to an important possible source of literary effect ; and in his claims concerning readers ' responses he attributes to these a degree of regularity which to many must seem quite unrealistic .
16 In both characters ' lives it was mainly men who had oppressed them , for Phyllisia it was her father who preferred her sister , Ruby .
17 Against Moses ' expectations he also takes on the task of feeding his people .
18 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
19 ‘ What I Would n't Give ’ , besides being utterly forgettable , contained the interesting line , ‘ There 's my Smiths ' tapes you never wanted to hear/ Throw them away/Morrissey in the bin . ’
20 Working womens ' organisations you get co-opted on and the , we were known for the way , the business-like way we run our meeting you know .
21 By really understanding our Buyers ' needs we cut out time wasting and abortive visits and ensure you pay no more than the correct price in this mixed market .
22 Because of the immediate nature of such patients ' problems it is important that whatever form of help is offered should be available without too much delay , and for this reason health-centre-based therapists may be of particular value , as has been shown in the case of psychologists ( Robson et al. 1984 ) and social workers ( Shepherd et al. 1979 ) .
23 He ate a gargantuan meal , starting with some plovers ' eggs they had overlooked earlier , working on through a few roast geese with a brace or so of ducklings on the side , and ending with one half of a cheese and a couple of bowls of fruit .
24 An advertisement for Brut d'Escargot snails ' eggs I will take a tough line on food safety in terms of banning things that are dangerous .
25 Encouraged by their interpretations of each others ' dreams they set off against Humbaba to cut down his cedar forests .
26 Mr Welsh said that in response to reporters ' questions he had refused to rule out any tactic because the party had not decided what its strategy on civil disobedience might be .
27 Yes , of course — how silly of me , they 'd gone up market now , and it was funeral directors ' suppliers I needed .
28 The workers ' rights we believe in are those which enhance individuals ' status and opportunities .
29 Like all the other officers ' wives she wore a uniform of their own devising , pale-green skirt and shirt .
30 Strangely , she felt more resentful of this lady 's peremptory commands than she ever had of those of the merchants ' wives she had previously been obliged to swallow .
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