Example sentences of "' [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 Builders ' merchants I think .
2 But in most of Williams ' work I feel the kind of observations being ‘ made ’ … seem to me too casual , however delightfully phrased , to be especially interesting …
3 ‘ Just for old times ' sake I went , not that there is much to see !
4 In the end she suggested that I should just come and listen , and for politeness ' sake I agreed .
5 For appearances ' sake I maintained the fiction that I was setting up an independent enterprise in the EFL field .
6 In the guards ' room I was shown two videos .
7 To the crews ' embarrassment I stumped up on the bridge wearing the eye patch and the parrot on my shoulder with the added embellishment of an iron hook up the loose sleeve of my coat , to take Venturous alongside in full view of a crowd of holidaymakers lining the pier who , although somewhat mystified , obviously enjoyed the show .
8 When I were at the parents ' evening I said does that mean er he never sits still and he 's always tearing about and
9 An advertisement for Brut d'Escargot snails ' eggs I will take a tough line on food safety in terms of banning things that are dangerous .
10 After a few hours ' rest I had something to eat .
11 Mr Chairman I would like to move the resolution in standing in the Conservatives ' name I would say that I would hope that erm the other side would er join with us in voting that through and certainly have no problem with the relevant resolution that Mr put forward .
12 Yes , of course — how silly of me , they 'd gone up market now , and it was funeral directors ' suppliers I needed .
13 One of the greatest players ever to put on a Spurs ' jersey I would think .
14 As neighbours ' names I now recall .
15 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
16 I was really knocked out by your article on Philip Glass and I think it contained the best description of Glass ' music I have ever read .
17 After a few seconds ' thought I realised that she meant their President , that is the former General who was dictator with the continuing consent of their other commanders .
18 Er Kids ' County I 'll give you some more clues these might help , It 's got tunnels it 's metal round the edge it 's green .
19 After a few minutes ' walk I arrived at the edge of the wooded area ; in front of me was about two hundred yards of grass , rising to the high ground covered by thick gorse and ferns .
20 In one creative planting episode on Gardeners ' World I want to savour a taste of Victoriana with some formal bedding .
21 As the transfer was not at arms ' length I had to obtain an estimate of the market value of the house and forward this to the Inland Revenue Stamps Office .
22 Whether you have given this the same consideration of the increase in , er , directors ' salaries I do n't know , but I think y it 's worthy of , er , a further consideration .
23 The following day I asked the young women of an all-girls ' school I was visiting if they had seen her , and what they thought .
24 Actually , I missed some good ones in the couple of days ' holiday I took ; if I 'd just bothered to look at a single fucking news-stand after I left Stromeferry I 'd have seen this story starting to break about this guy — ‘ The Red panther ’ the tabloids decided on eventually — murdering these right-leaning pillars of the community .
25 Late one afternoon on my way to the kennels with the dogs ' bowls I passed the lighted kitchen window and stopped because I heard his voice .
26 In a hundred years ' time , I said to him , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg , putting the pad aside , began to type again ) , in a hundred years ' time I said to him , ( he typed ) no one will remember either you or me .
27 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
28 To achieve this in four years ' time I would be doing
29 In three years ' time I would be doing
30 In two years ' time I would be doing
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