Example sentences of "' [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 As president of the USSR , he signed a special decree , instructing the Congress of Peoples ' Deputies to ‘ place the property of the CPSU under protection ’ .
2 He attempted to use the union structures to guide developments , calling on Dec. 9 for a Congress of Peoples ' Deputies to be convened to discuss the Minsk agreement .
3 ( i ) Awareness of the ethical issues and problems arising in medical negligence litigation , particularly in relation to the disclosure of medical experts ' opinions to their clients .
4 The financial press has devoted much space to the 54% increase in chief executive Greg Hutchings ' remuneration to £995,000 ( v £646,000 ) .
5 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
6 They now had no idea where they were except that they must be east of the Ridgery and well to the west of where they believed the outlaws ' Camp to be .
7 They now had no idea where they were except that they must be east of the Ridgery and well to the west of where they believed the outlaws ' Camp to be .
8 A report in the Washington Post of April 10 said that the plan presented by Solomon outlined four distinct phases : ( i ) at the time of the signing of an international agreement on Cambodia the USA and Vietnam would enter into normalization discussions ; the USA would also officially approve visits by US business and veterans ' groups to Vietnam ; ( ii ) with the establishment of a US transitional presence in Cambodia , the US would partially lift its trade embargo against Vietnam and Cambodia ; the second phase would also require increased accounting for US MIAs ; ( iii ) the third phase would begin after the UN process in Cambodia had lasted at least six months and would include the establishment of US and Vietnamese diplomatic offices in Hanoi and Washington respectively , a full lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam and an easing of US opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam ; the third phase would also involve further substantial progress in accounting for US MIAs ; ( iv ) the final phase would follow UN-supervised elections in Cambodia and would include full normalization of US diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam and Cambodia as well as support for international bank lending .
9 Bob , who is director of the Indonesian joint venture , brought more than 25 years ' experience to his session on the development of LNG in Indonesia , while Paul , manager of strategic planning , and John , finance manager for the Indonesian Region , gave comprehensive presentations of the key financial issues .
10 Theodora 's tone was so gentle , so unemphatic , almost deferential — the tone of a deacon of four years ' experience to a senior cleric of thirty years — that it took the edge off her words .
11 But the long-term trend in those areas in which the public interest in regulation ( or possibly politicians ' exposure to public criticism ) is perceived to be greatest , seems to be for both the volume of regulation and the role of government in it to increase .
12 After twenty years ' exposure to religious scrutiny , if deemed worthy and untarnished , this votive tablet would be transferred to the Reclusiam itself .
13 On June 1st Pen Kent , a senior official of the Bank of England , urged members of the newly formed Property Bankers Association to consider securitisation and other means of reducing the banks ' exposure to property , in order to create a more liquid market .
14 By helping general practitioners to be more selective in their use of diagnostic radiology the guidelines reduced the rate of referral and thus patients ' exposure to radiation .
15 Our study shows that the guidelines are acceptable to and suitable for use by general practitioners and suggests that they can substantially reduce referral levels and reduce patients ' exposure to radiation .
16 When this risk is compared to other cancer risks , it is found that the lifelong risk from passive smoking is more than 100 times higher than the estimated effect of 20 years ' exposure to chrysotile asbestos normally found in asbestos-containing buildings [ 5 ] .
17 Only after a few days ' exposure to New York sunlight did they readjust to local time .
18 It gives students access to another source of spoken English and it gives them one or two hours ' exposure to the language .
19 The heaviest losses were sustained by members of so-called " excess-of-loss ( LMX ) spiral " syndicates which specialized in reinsuring each others ' and other companies ' exposure to high-level catastrophe risks .
20 Two families who blame their children 's blood cancers on their fathers ' exposure to radiation at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant have launched a test case against British Nuclear Fuels Limited ( BNFL ) .
21 Though there are many disadvantages as well as advantages in the use of microcomputers for information retrieval , the major advantage is that computerized information retrieval can provide a strong link between the school library and the curriculum by increasing pupils ' exposure to new technologies as both a learning and retrieval tool , regardless of subject area , and increase the use of resources in the school .
22 All the right ingredients are there — from the swirling mist and the pounding of horses ' hooves to the small group huddled round a table in the kitchen at Foulrice Farm .
23 Rain had lashed the bare rocks , turned the narrow gully beneath the horses ' hooves to mud , stripped the spare trees of their flimsy leaves .
24 There is no regulatory body to which people can go to exert the operators ' proposals to the necessary scrutiny in the public interest , particularly in the consumers ' interest .
25 Whichever category of function is involved , the direct transmission of capitalists ' preferences to state officials is unimportant .
26 Steerforth ‘ bored to death ’ as an undergraduate there , DC 19 ; the dons considered by him to be ‘ a parcel of heavy-headed fellows ’ , DC 20 ; Mrs Nickleby on Oxford undergraduates ' attachment to their nightcaps , NN 38 .
27 weakening of teachers ' attachment to particular subject specialisms , development of subject competence across a wider range of the curriculum , and development and dissemination of awareness of the similarities in learning objectives and pedagogical approach between different subjects — in short , the easing of subject loyalties and demystification of subject differences ;
28 In 1902–6 he had four adventurous years ' attachment to the King 's African Rifles , serving up-country in Kenya , where he discovered a new species ( Hylochaeros meinertzhageni , the giant forest hog ) .
29 The Webbs explain that their original definition , relating the trade unions ' function to conditions of employment , implied that trade unions had always contemplated a perpetual continuance of the capitalist or wage system , whereas they had at various dates during the past century at any rate frequently had aspirations towards a revolutionary change in social and economic conditions .
30 In both cases the parents ' resignation to the inevitability of the assessment outcome arose from their having no opportunity to determine or seriously influence the objectives of the assessment nor to contribute to the conceptual framework within which their children 's needs were being assessed .
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