Example sentences of "off [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Then she turned back to Sam , expecting him to lead her off somewhere at once .
2 In retrospect , for instance , he thought that Suite had choreography rather like Balanchine 's in the phrasing of sequences and repeats to the music , and in the lines , which were not straight like a corps de ballet of swans or sylphides but went off suddenly at an angle .
3 Aberdeen first off tonight at seven thirty , Celtic half an hour later in Lisbon .
4 Scorch and smoke damage was caused to Ross 's Auction Rooms , Montgomery Street , Belfast , when a bomb went off outside at 10.40pm .
5 Types of tan Bronzers are normally gels that contain colour pigments and can be washed off easily at night — do remember to do this or your sheets will have a golden glow too !
6 He was given instructions to taxi to the holding point for runway 26 and subsequently took off normally at 1202 hrs .
7 It was almost thirty minutes since he 'd made the phone call , stopping off quickly at a payphone before swinging the car off the main road and into Paddington Recreation Ground .
8 A body section could be made in a standard four-ply small pattern stitch , possibly a tiny tuck pattern , cast off straight at the underarms , with a woven pattern used for the yoke and sleeves .
9 Vite ! " he yelled , clapping his hands , and the coolie set off instantly at a frantic gallop along the boulevard .
10 But of course the foam system had better switch itself off automatically at low speeds .
11 She tried to fob him off tactfully at first , but then he became brutal .
12 She was cut off tragically at the height of her powers , but she had already made her mark : a crucial contribution to one of the most important discoveries of the twentieth century , and work on two major biological problems and the techniques for solving them , that helped lay the foundations of structural molecular biology .
13 But it 's a Rozario 's got to come off now at the moment he 's just er a big sums it up there .
14 So employment tending to er level off there at er at the er level .
15 And she was gon na said , that she was gon na drop you off there at two then pick you up again at eight .
16 I think Petula and I covered most of it shortly after we moved down here , stopping off overnight at inns to break the journey . ’
17 ‘ If you think this is rough , wait till you see the foundry , ’ said Wilcox , with a grim smile , and set off again at his brisk terrier 's trot .
18 It meant he 'd been laid off again at the stocking factory .
19 Her minds flits about like a butterfly , settling on one thing , and flying off again at once . )
20 The figure stopped , turned towards , him and snarled something before moving off again at the same queer , shambling gait .
21 They set off again at a stately pace .
22 Yeah , so if he 's off again at the end of that year , we look at inflation , what 's it done , so it would now go up and it would now be , let's say , eleven hundred pounds a month .
23 If this reading of Ali is correct , it would seem that simply in terms of his daily allowance the kasabat kadi was better off financially at the beginning of his career than the new muderris ; but in any case , given the fees the kadi could expect to receive , he must have had a considerably greater income .
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