Example sentences of "off [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 So it might make sense to pay off part of her mortgage .
2 The Burtons let off part of the house and lived in the rest .
3 He pulled off part of the officer 's jumper and pulled it tightly across the back of his neck .
4 If you do well , some lenders will allow you to pay off part of the loan before the end of the original term — a huge bonus .
5 Barclays Bank has written off £240m of debt attributable to the property company Imry ; it is one of the largest individual debt write-offs in the UK .
6 The Special Fund shall be empowered to raise loans : ( i ) to pay off debts of the Special Fund , ( ii ) to cover due interest and loan procurement costs , ( iii ) to purchase debt titles of the Special Fund for purposes of market cultivation .
7 But that overlooks the bravura technique , the shock imagery that put the viewer in the midst of terror and sparked off waves of swimmer fear and the great macho-debunking humour that thrives between police chief Roy Scheider , shark hunter Robert Shaw and ichthyologist ( look it up ) Richard Dreyfuss .
8 Gamma is quite definitely variable , and is an unstable star , with a luminosity about 6000 times that of the Sun ; periodically it throws off shells of material , though these can not be detected visually .
9 It is highly luminous , and is unstable , periodically throwing off shells of materials .
10 Each would require a portable bedstead , an air mattress and a pillow ; they would take some Oxley 's essence of ginger , some good opium , quinine and Seidlitz powders ; a portable inkstand , a match-box and supply of German tinder ; umbrellas against the sun and flannel belts to ward off cramps of the stomach during the night .
11 The driver gunned the motor but that only threw off sprays of fine snow , and the motor howled until I thought it would burst .
12 The Doctor spent several minutes inspecting his hat , turning it over in his hands and picking off specks of dust .
13 I broke off branches of deep purple cherries devouring enough vitamin C for the rest of the length of the canal if walked it had to be , waving their thick-leaved wands at the flies , as I plodded the day 's last few solitary miles .
14 At breakfast she occasionally annoyed us by reeling off lists of groceries we were all to pick up during the day and bring home in time for dinner .
15 Faced by the Welsh emergency of 1283 , Canterbury province granted a triennial twentieth , and York in 1286 possibly a thirtieth , although they did so reluctantly because they were still paying off arrears of the subsidy of 1279–80 .
16 The US had maintained as recently as Oct. 15 its opposition to IMF assistance to Vietnam , blocking a French plan at a regional IMF meeting in Bangkok to help Vietnam pay off arrears of US$140 million to the Fund .
17 A decision to lay off 10% of the work force tells the old story of the drone worker .
18 This sparked off talk of a tunnel leading to Burghley House where a mythical monastery founded in 1158 by William Waterville was supposed to have stood ( this monastery is still cited in the Burghley House guide book ) .
19 Balancing the books is going to be tricky … going on recent balance sheets around three million pounds will be needed up front to pay off debts and buy the Maxwell family shares … and then presumably more money will have to be invested to beat off losses of fifteen thousand pounds a week … the club 's managing director Pat McGeough is hoping to do a deal within the next few days … its not simple … its not clear cut … but for the first time win weeks United are confident about the future
20 Mr Moi himself occasionally gives off whiffs of his old sense of encirclement .
21 He snapped off armfuls of branches and brought them back in piles to Ratagan .
22 For all that , it had the feel of a city wakening up after a long sleep and beginning to shake off decades of despair .
23 The Junkers drained the banks to the very limit of their credit and were then forced to sell off plots of land to repay the interest on their debts and refinance their lifestyle .
24 The weathervane , a stainless steel fox , was removed for safe keeping , the children pulled off pieces of the garlands for souvenirs and the hole in the road was filled in .
25 These fish bite off pieces of coral with their beak-like teeth , to eat the living polyps inside .
26 The eleventh-century punishment for causing inflation by reducing the value of coins ( usually by using base metals or clipping off pieces of silver ) was the loss of the right hand and castration .
27 She sat with the chicken pot in her lap , tearing off pieces of the bird and handing them round .
28 Bobo was breaking off pieces of the banana , rolling them around with her lips .
29 held-a football club as occupier should foresee that crowd could become unruly and break off pieces of concrete which if thrown could cause injury to visitors in this case on duty police officers .
30 Women now had a position from which to fight off ideas of wild passions and uncontrollable desires ; indeed , in doing so they could claim the higher moral ground for themselves , supported by all sorts of biological arguments concerning their greater gentleness and delicacy .
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