Example sentences of "away as [art] " in BNC.

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1 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
2 Its influence is felt as far away as the London Underground , which is having its new , networked , interactive time-tabling system , Cart , programmed by a Delhi firm , CMC .
3 The nuclear industry 's current predicament is usually placed in the context of the near melt-down at Three Mile Island in 1979 and the fatal disaster at Chernobyl , the radioactive fall-out from which was still affecting places as far away as the uplands of Wales and Scotland four years later .
4 The cottage they bought 38 years ago for £4,500 will be swept away as the last unspoilt corner of the village becomes an estate of 150 homes .
5 The Pacifics were used at this time on the Nottingham to Marylebone semi-fasts but they were to be transferred away as the rundown of the GC got underway .
6 The chair or commode has to be correctly positioned , for instance , and firmly secured to prevent it from slipping away as the patient is moved .
7 Carried by strong winds the rain is capable of travelling hundreds , even thousands of miles , from as far away as the USA to Britain .
8 Money not spent on ale would probably be stolen or gambled away as the Hirings attracted pickpockets and professional gamblers from the big towns .
9 ‘ La puta que te pario , ’ he spat at her , but backed away as the evil-looking prongs stroked his eyelashes .
10 He attacked one Ju87 from behind , breaking away as the tail broke off his victim and it crashed into the sea .
11 It is also known that the Indus Valley civilization was far more extensive than formerly realised , embracing areas as far away as the Oxus River , now called Amu Darya , in Central Asia and forming part of the Soviet Afghanistan border on its course .
12 It was interesting to observe how they arrived full of animation and determined to be good and entertaining guests and then to watch the slightly false vivacity fade away as the melin had its usual effect .
13 Each bar has a paper sheath which is lightly scored to allow for peeling away as the Oilbar is used .
14 The shock of the sinking was felt as far away as the World 's Edge Mountains and is recorded in the chronicles of the Dwarf kings .
15 Then he threw the cigarette away as the young man started to sob and mounted him , pushing his thick erection deep into his anus .
16 If your experiments are blessed , the ovary will soon show signs of swelling and the unventilated plastic bag can come away as the stigma is no longer receptive .
17 For , although St Leonard 's is surrounded by fields , R.A.F. Coningsby is only a second away as the supersonic fighters fly .
18 It is , however , more likely that he had accompanied the king to Nottingham and had then , like the Woodvilles , been sent away as the news grew more threatening .
19 More striking still , fragments of the shell of Cassis rufa from the Grotte des Enfants near Mentone came from as far away as the Indian Ocean .
20 It is odd , and neatly illustrative of the contradiction in Spartan attitudes , that Herodotus can say of the Spartan-led Greeks in the same period that Samos ‘ seemed to them as far away as the Rock of Gibraltar ’ , while telling elsewhere in his book of a Spartan , son of Archias , who was called Samios because of his father 's Samian links ( viii .
21 Joshua distractedly waved the second egg away as the Rabbi answered his daughter-in-law 's question .
22 This would imply that the primordial black hole closest to the earth is probably at least as far away as the planet Pluto .
23 Barbara screamed and dragged Jimmy away as the desk flipped over to the floor with a crash .
24 Far from dying away as the century progressed , this anti-Darwinian and anti-adaptationist view of evolution became more powerful .
25 Dust was washed away as the rain continued to pelt down .
26 Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn , and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky .
27 Something had sparked into life when they had first set eyes on each other , though , and even Julius 's self-control had melted away as the spark had ignited a flame , and then a fire .
28 ‘ 'T IS only a splinter … ’ she began , but her voice died away as the soldier moved swiftly towards her .
29 Grant felt a gentle lethargy creeping over him , and the aches and pains of his battered body began to ebb away as the drug started to take effect .
30 Mary shivered and turned away as the first clods of earth thudded onto the coffin .
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