Example sentences of "away of the " in BNC.

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1 The great obstacle , however , to a withering away of the state pension is the fact that , although in economic reality current pensions are paid from current contributions and other taxes , the state pension scheme has been institutionalised as a structure of vested rights or expectations stretching forward over half a century .
2 If the continuing ritual represents a progressive pruning away of the trappings of mythology , then it would follow that no one has clipped the lion 's wings or fleaed his rump or pared his claws since all these things , like classical-cum-Shakespearian mythology , are the ritual entrappings of the culture from which our own is descended , preserved among us as ‘ survivals ’ .
3 For Engels , by contrast , the possibility revealed by the gentile constitution was a major guarantee that the Marxist vision of the withering away of the State in a future communist society was not a recipe for chaos , as was argued by his opponents .
4 If I understand him aright , it ought to be possible to show that Descartes ' stripping away of the ‘ accidental ’ qualities of objects is illegitimate , because based on a series of elisions of meaning between one use of an expression and another where the two expressions look the same but have different meanings .
5 Corrosion occurs within heating systems by electrolytic means , due to the presence of different metals ( copper pipes and steel radiators ) , and the result is the gradual eating away of the steel to form iron oxides — the brown or black sludge that is so familiar to any d-i-y plumber .
6 It is probably as much to do with an influx of younger golfers and a falling away of the old guard .
7 The site made use of the Mount Royal tunnel and of the considerable falling away of the land , so that although the platforms were below the station building , none the less they were above ground .
8 It was as if a crumbling away of the carefully built-up layers of education , technical training , so-called civilisation , was taking place , leaving her stripped of all her carefully acquired adult assurance .
9 And if the religious world sought to understand the passing away of the old order and the emergence of the new one , the secular world too , faced with the greatest social change in history , reacted by the invention of sociology and the construction of grand social theories that would explain it all .
10 Ceauşescu must have amused his colleagues with his remarks ‘ strongly in favour of the acceptance of free will ’ and his thought that ‘ the withering away of the State would be very welcome though he did n't quite see the withering away of the [ Communist ] Party ! ’
11 Ceauşescu must have amused his colleagues with his remarks ‘ strongly in favour of the acceptance of free will ’ and his thought that ‘ the withering away of the State would be very welcome though he did n't quite see the withering away of the [ Communist ] Party ! ’
12 Traditionally pacifists had looked to the evolution of a transnational civil society and the gradual withering away of the nation state as the key to human progress — a view elaborated most influentially by Richard Cobden .
13 He begins a description of class consciousness by showing the limitations of bourgeois thought as an explaining away of the existing order of economic relations and an assertion of the immutability of institutions ( Lukács 1971 : 48 ) .
14 That 's where the fuel tanks are located and though it seemed likely that the partial tearing away of the wing had also ruptured the fuel lines and spilled the fuel , there was no way of being sure and no one , again as far as I know , has ever come up against the problem of what happens when an oxyacetylene jet meets a fuel tank under water .
15 Too much competition between the two main houses has resulted in the whittling away of the seller 's commission in many transactions and buyers will now be hit in order to restore profit margins .
16 Temperature was talked of in the context of some hundreds of millions of degrees Centigrade , necessary for the stripping away of the electron from the hydrogen atom , vital for the removal of the hydrostatic repulsive forces of the nuclei , leaving them free to collide .
17 The Marxist claim that a socialist revolution will inaugurate a classless society , an end to all forms of domination and the withering away of the state is just another myth of popular control , propagated by an emerging counter-elite , the leadership of the new industrial working class .
18 The documentation for these drawings has always been the best of any British collection of its type , and after the paring away of the greatest country house collection of drawings Chatsworth 's by the two Christie 's sales of the 1980s , Holkham remained the most important extant .
19 On occasions rural depopulation has aroused considerable public concern and has even been represented as a draining away of the nation 's life-blood , to the detriment of the national character and vigour .
20 Indeed , retaking may be his only opportunity of doing himself justice , for delay may mean destruction or conveying away of the goods by B , who may be quite incapable of paying their value .
21 The 1986 Programme , similarly , contained no reference to the historic goal of the withering away of the state ( it had long been predicted that the only thing that would wither away was the idea that the state should wither away ) ; its main emphasis was upon practical and short-term objectives , and it struck a disciplinarian rather than utopian note in its references to careerism , nepotism and profiteering .
22 The people , exploited economically , socially and politically by capitalism would rise up and seize the state for themselves ( socialism ) and then replace it ( after the withering away of the state ) by a system of communism .
23 This process of depreciation is almost like the ebbing away of the poet himself .
24 ‘ Just me ? ’ she queried when he 'd finished talking , her face giving little away of the tangled emotions behind its passive façade .
25 He prophesied that the triumph of communism would lead to the withering away of the state .
26 In terms , for instance , of the teaching of reading it was said that if children were not taught to read great books the result would be a wearing away of the national culture .
27 I would really like to see some drastic sweeping away of the turgid sort of historical writing that necessitated some of my fellow students , not too familiar with art history , reaching for their dictionaries .
28 On a sadder note , I have to report the passing away of the last Crediton chicken .
29 However , the diplomacy which really mattered had always been that of sovereign states ; this final withering away of the claims of other entities to conduct some sort of foreign relations of their own was merely a kind of necessary tidying-up , the clearing of an undergrowth of quasi-diplomacy .
30 The pulling away of the lower plate along the detachment fault exposes the base of the lithosphere on the upper plate to hot , rising asthenosphere ( Fig. 4.19(B) ) .
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