Example sentences of "why they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because neither has examined or thought out their views , or the reasons why they hold them , there is serious misunderstanding when attitudes and behaviour clash .
2 Ask yourself why they hold such negative attitudes .
3 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
4 He was the first scientist to suggest that they may have led a more vigorous life than the reptiles , and even proffered an atmospheric reason as to why they became extinct .
5 That is what the decisions which I have announced today will do , and that is why they deserve the support of the House .
6 cos they , that 's the only good garden centre around that 's , that 's why they cost so much
7 The same faith provides China 's leaders with their only explanation and justification for why they sent tanks to crush student protesters who had hurt no one and damaged nothing .
8 That 's why they sent me to school — cos I 'm handicapped .
9 No 3225 Set by Watson Weeks We asked you , following the TV exposé of Summerhill , for a Speech Day address by the principal , an explanation by a parent of why they sent their child there , or a statement by a former pupil of the advantages of a Summerhill education .
10 Yeah , I have a complimentary copy of new internationalist I 'm not quite sure why they sent them , but
11 I do n't understand why they sent you . ’
12 Probably would n't have really mattered why they split up if they were that rubbish to start with .
13 The mystery is why they let Quinn live , and why they first released the boy and then killed him .
14 why they hurt ?
15 The family were living next door when they incurred the parking fine , they believe that 's why they received no reminders and no court documents .
16 So that 's why they 've named the new wing after her .
17 ‘ It must be why they 've sawdust , ’ Winnie observed .
18 This partly explains why they 've been struggling on for around six years now , but is no excuse in the current climate for them not gaining some long overdue recognition .
19 And when you see the features of each instrument , and hear the prices , you 'll soon see why they 've caused such a storm …
20 Between stops we can try and find out why their debut LP , ‘ Eva Luna ’ , is such a welcome anachronism that gives a shock to the nerve-centres of the techno ‘ n ’ grunge consensus , why rhythm is omnipotent once again and why they 've finally broken the apathetic silence by taking us all to task with some bold statements on matters of importance , instead of indistinct paeans to various objects of desire .
21 That 's why they 've been to the baths .
22 I 'm still doing sex education at schools and look like it 's changing a lot cos there 's a lot more to do there , a lot more emphasis on Aids , that 's why they 've got to ki , teach kids in primary school , we 've got to prevent them from getting a disease .
23 You tend to be rather poorly which is why they 've given you the blood transfusion .
24 At least we know who to talk to and can ascertain why they 've got him . ’
25 That 's why they 've sent him on his own . ’
26 Sometimes they 've been bitter and sometimes hopeless , but no matter how they 've fallen or why they 've fallen , the time comes when they stop and whether you like it or not , or intend it or not , stop they do .
27 The rulebook states that a member has the right to appeal but it does n't say that they have the right to be told why they 've lost .
28 Well , I consider that letting someone know why they 've lost is natural justice .
29 That 's the first and they 'll be the ones that will be able to tell you why they 've taken that decision and why we say it 's a reasonable decision .
30 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
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