Example sentences of "while [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While underlining the right of the East Germans to opt for unity with their fellow Germans in the Federal Republic , Dr Kohl said this was a matter for their own free choice .
2 In what is regarded as a make-or-break move for his political career , Mr Lamont will set out to demonstrate a clear route out of recession while underlining the Government 's clamp on public spending .
3 Where the late Victorian perception of youth emphasized their social identity — religion , leisure , discipline , character — the Edwardian perception , while accepting the significance of the social ( and elaborating upon it ) , in addition gave working-class youth an economic identity which was important in itself , and as a conditioning factor in the development of the citizen .
4 In some countries the dairy producers have taken a comparable line , and manage to live profitably while accepting the growing evidence against high-fat diets in general and saturates in particular .
5 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
6 For example , Albert Sloman , Vice-Chancellor of the new University of Essex , while accepting the requirement of serving " national need " , considers that expansion has not been achieved without a " drop in standards " , despite Robbins 's claim to the contrary .
7 On the same day that the Petrograd Soviet was set up , the Duma leaders , while accepting the prorogation ordered by the Tsar , held a private meeting and created a Provisional Committee .
8 In the present case , if the Court of Appeal had upheld the decision of Robertson J. on the first part , it would have been unfair to deny the respondents a right of appeal to the Privy Council on the compromise issue or the cancellation issue while accepting the petitioner could appeal to the Privy Council as of right if the petitioner failed on the misconduct issue .
9 While accepting the Comintern classification of Latin American agrarian structures as ‘ feudal ’ or semi-feudal , he maintained that what was happening in Latin America was not that capitalism was superseding feudalism , but rather that the two systems tended to coexist .
10 While accepting the need for the United Kingdom to have the protection of a strategic nuclear deterrent for the foreseeable future , may I ask the Secretary of State whether , as a result of his recent conversations with his French counterpart and the agreement reached at Maastricht , consideration has been given to greater co-operation in strategic nuclear matters with France ?
11 He had thus made the point , while accepting the royal candidate , that the power of confirmation ( which was increasingly insisted upon ) lay with the pope alone .
12 One commentator , while accepting the importance of Rutter 's finding , then asks whether we have the means by which deliberately to create a planned organizational ethos in a school .
13 While accepting the possibility that the effects of monetary union may create greater shocks for the less favoured regions/countries , particularly those whose economies are initially very distorted , the general belief expressed by the Commission is nevertheless that growth in the EC as a whole will be accompanied by a narrowing of regional disparities , and that " comprehensive regime change is the key for the convergence of lagging countries and regions " .
14 The Convention could examine key traded species , carry out the necessary scientific studies and create management plans which would ensure the protection of the species while allowing a profitable legal trade .
15 But the actual implementation of this Christian philosophy often fell far short of these standards , and throughout the modern era we can trace a second layer , summed up in the phrase ‘ the double standard ’ , which enjoined chastity on the female while allowing a large degree of sexual freedom for the male .
16 At the meeting Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister , proposed the " decoupling " of the internal and external aspects of unification so that the former could be completed swiftly while allowing a unified Germany 's security status to be resolved over a number of years .
17 Above all , the notes need to be spot on while allowing the overall rhythm to flow smoothly .
18 Under Art 85(3) , the Commission may exempt a restrictive agreement , provided it promotes technical or economic progress while allowing the consumer a fair share of the benefits .
19 The question is , whether the culture of Italy is one that throws up people who will be public spirited , who will make good trustees while allowing the curators to get on with their work .
20 Rome 's traffic planners are constantly exploring new ways of rerouting traffic that will free the amphitheatre from fumes and vibrations while allowing the tourists to gain access .
21 As it was , they merely added to Government borrowing while allowing the recession to continue as before .
22 To regard the jurisdictional cloak as a vital precondition justifying judicial intervention , while allowing the categories of jurisdictional error to multiply , simply conceals reality .
23 Dartmoor was used by the inhabitants of both Devon and Cornwall until AD 850 , after which date common rights began to develop for the Moor , protecting the rights of all but the people of Barnstaple and Totnes ( who were excluded after AD 900 ) , while allowing the area to be hunted by the Wessex kings .
24 The aim is to get as close as possible to the socially efficient allocation E ' ; while allowing the monopolist to break even after allowing a proper deduction for all economic costs .
25 Average cost pricing or two-part tariffs may come close to the socially efficient output while allowing the monopolist to survive as a private company .
26 Contemporarily the state , through administrative and financial controls , has lessened that autonomy while allowing the universities to reshape with comparative ease their governing statutes .
27 Then you will know the joy of opening a book and finding its type easy to read , the paper of its pages sympathetic to your touch , the illustrations in balance with the text , and the binding secure while allowing the book to lie flat when open .
28 Belgium and Luxembourg on March 2 , 1990 , abolished the dual exchange rate used within their monetary union which pegged the Luxembourg-Belgian franc for current commercial transactions while allowing the rate for financial transactions to float freely .
29 They provide expertise across a wide range of topics while allowing the students to contribute to the year-to-year developments in experimental techniques .
30 After a brief flirtation with a policy of ‘ War on Two Fronts ’ — supporting the war while opposing the Chamberlain Government — the Party settled for the Moscow line , calling for an immediate ‘ People 's Peace ’ to end the ‘ Imperialist War , .
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