Example sentences of "never see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Phyllisia found friendship in someone who was the opposite to Marian — Edith , she was poor and therefore dressed in scruffy clothes , she had gone against her father 's orders of never to see Edith again .
2 You ought never to see nutrient deficiencies because they are a sign of incorrect feeding .
3 If he refused to sign , he was never to see Constanze again .
4 Rufus was never to see Anselm again without the question being raised .
5 If a theory of normal language processing were proposed in which there were a single processing system responsible for dealing with spoken language — a system used both for perceiving and for producing speech — then one ought never to see patients with intact speech perception and impaired speech production , nor patients with the opposite disorder .
6 ‘ A week — longer perhaps , ’ and while Fabia was having disturbing visions of somehow getting her car back and driving home to England and — never mind the interview — never seeing Ven again , Lubor was changing the subject to ask , ‘ Will you have dinner with me this evening , Fabia ? ’
7 We 've never seen hilt nor hair of that man for well over a year now .
8 Fortunately , we in this Parliament have never seen Maastricht as an end .
9 I have never seen England play better than they did against Ireland and I 'm sure few other people would argue about that .
10 ‘ Except in the celebrations that greeted the end of World War II , I have never seen England look as unashamedly delighted by life as it did during the World Cup , ’ Arthur Hopcraft has written .
11 Never seen England before . ’
12 But he had never seen Farouk 's face .
13 I had to admit that I 'd never seen Darren look so good .
14 He had never seen Nails before as other than a surly , rude boy , but now he was smiling and looked light-headed .
15 But I must say , in the five years they were together I 've never seen Sarah so happy and contented .
16 I said I thought he was a right in fact I 've never seen Sally like it before I said I felt quite really
17 No , I think he 's , I said to Robert I 've got quite a good streak cos I 've never seen Sally
18 They 're l lead men you know and he has er painted this and it must be something to do with these men but these drawings now , I 've never seen drawings like them
19 ‘ I have never seen Soho on the screen , ’ wrote Ernest Betts in 1928 and then he added that he had never seen Southend , Birmingham , Chelsea , Bloomsbury , or London suburbia either .
20 He had never seen hair of such a full , glowing gold , or a fairer brow underneath it .
21 Lou has never seen love as a sufficient motive for anyone doing anything , which , when it comes to it , I daresay is why I left .
22 He had never seen Myles Burke laugh before .
24 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
25 This was n't the India I knew : during five previous visits I had never seen women kiss each other .
26 I had never seen water that was that blue .
27 He had been born in England , had never seen India , spoke English as his cradle tongue and had forgotten all the Hindi he had ever learned but he had all the immigrant 's protective reactions and all his self-consciousness .
28 I 'd never seen Mum dance before , but she slipped out of her sandals and danced with Auntie Jean to the Jackson Five .
29 But Duncan had never seen weeds dripping fresh from the loch before .
30 She thought that McAllister had never seen misery before , and that her response to it was a warm and loving one — and practical , too .
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