Example sentences of "never [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 He had never hated himself more .
2 I have never regarded myself as a member of the " personality brigade " but as a television journalist who is equally experienced and valuable to a unit behind the cameras as in front of them .
3 She had never regarded herself as a very organised person , and did n't even consider she had a routine ; but when George retired , realised that she did have a kind of pattern .
4 I 've never stopped myself talking to her about anything before , she thought .
5 When you 've done that first one you 'll have to let us have a listen , I 've never heard myself on the tape before .
6 Further , the judges in relation to their judicial duties as to who should have the rights of audience have never divested themselves of those duties , nor could they ever do so .
7 ‘ I 've never had children , I 've never given myself the time and that 's a matter of some regret .
8 What worried him far more than the prospect of change , was the fact that he shied away from it , as a man set in his ways , and that was something he had never considered himself to be .
9 Despite his obvious sex appeal — to both men and women — Banderas insists that he has never considered himself particularly attractive .
10 Without doubt , the construction of such a hegemonic bloc for socialist objectives must involve winning the support of many people who regard themselves as ‘ middle class ’ or of no class , many who have never considered themselves socialists , many who are not members of trade unions , by colonising and re-defining the notion of the popular or national interest ( while avoiding chauvinism and the opportunistic erasure of real social differences ) .
11 I had never considered myself as a shy quiet child so drama and acting never bothered me .
12 She had never considered herself so .
13 Soviet leaders never committed themselves ideologically and politically to Finland in the manner they did in Afghanistan .
14 An additional complication comes from the fact that Congress has never committed itself to paying for the entire SSC .
15 We have never committed ourselves to meeting it , no matter how high the rate .
16 ‘ I have never let myself go like that , ’ Alida said , ‘ never .
17 In all his plans , he had never let himself contemplate an outcome as vicious as that .
18 She had never permitted herself to conjure it up .
19 At the end of the session , he thanks the dentist and says ‘ I can truly say I 've never enjoyed myself so much . ’
20 But then he , himself , had never concerned himself greatly with the case of Michael Holly .
21 ‘ Sara has never concerned herself with the business . ’
22 I take the opportunity of the publication of your paper to draw attention to these small details , with respect to which I have never moved myself , because until they interest others in the neighbourhood i should be sorry to be supposed to move in them for any interest of my own .
23 I had never presented myself like that to anybody .
24 In this context , Felicity ( Alice was still trying to banish the word ‘ squaw ’ from her mind ) Felicity gave off an impression of light and warmth , as if she had never presented herself as dark .
25 First , those who have a political interest to pursue will not in fact always do so , for example consumers , who are numerous but widely distributed , generally have never organized themselves as effectively or as efficiently as producers , who are much fewer in number but already have a business organization able to be adapted for political purposes .
26 He 'd never seen himself as old .
27 Why had he never seen himself so clearly , he wondered ?
28 And Mrs Friar had never seen herself naked since she was three years old , and even then it was an accident .
29 He remembered not only his father 's harshness , but that he had worked hard and struggled to give both children a good education , holidays abroad and a comfortable home , all things he 'd never had himself .
30 Otherwise Toby was father , mother and elder brother to the boys , and on the whole he enjoyed himself , creating for them the home he felt he had never had himself .
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