Example sentences of "most out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Operator training is fairly simple , but managers need more to get the most out of the system , ’ — Nick Chudley
2 An important challenge facing a developer is that of getting the most out of the planning system .
3 ‘ We intend to reform as well as spending more money in order to get the most out of that money for the patients .
4 Please tell me how I can arrange my valuable wardrobe space so that I 'm able to get the most out of it ?
5 Recent research suggests that buyers are unashamedly mercenary in screwing the most out of a builder .
6 Who gets most out of the Bill : the lawyers or the consumer ?
7 The productivity of their capital equipment , however , was lower : the top firms spent money on technology ( like flexible-manufacturing systems ) designed to get the most out of employees , rather than trying to replace men with machines .
8 THE latest version of The Economist 's rough-and-ready guide to relative currency values , our annual Big Mac index , published in April , showed that the Hong Kong dollar was the currency most out of line with the American dollar .
9 If you want to get the most out of life you need to maintain a certain level of muscular stamina .
10 Our Club Couples Clubreps are highly trained and will be on hand to welcome you with a FREE bottle of wine to get your holiday off to a great start , and make sure you get the most out of your holiday .
11 We have reformed the organisation of the NHS to encourage those working in the service to respond to what patients want and need , and to get the most out of the increased money which the taxpayer provides .
12 Get the most out of your Lakes and Mountains holiday — give yourself the independence to visit other resorts , see famous landmarks or just find the best views .
13 In addition , an increasing number of countryside properties now offer the use of battery-operated cars for less able visitors , enabling them to get the most out of their visit .
14 And just as in football he knew how to get the most out of his resources , so in the factory he used his skills to obtain maximum production .
15 They failed to see that money came from success , not the other way round — Chelsea , for instance , had also paid large sums for players without creating a championship team — and that the vital factor was the genius of the manager in charge for getting the most out of his players , whatever they cost , and for buying the right man .
16 We now know more about different therapies which can really help older people get the most out of life .
17 The three books which give this impression of relentless fun are The ZX Spectrum and how to get the most out of it ( hardly a winner of the snappy title award ) by Ian Sinclair ( Granada , pp 144 , £5.95 ) , and Easy programming for the ZX spectrum and Computer puzzles for spectrum and ZX81 by Ian Stewart and Robin Jones ( shiva , pp 144 , £5.95 and pp 64 , £2.50 ) .
18 It must change if it wants to get the most out of computer technology , two other speakers said .
19 Every interview can be a useful and constructive experience and doing a proper interview follow-up will help you get the most out of it , even if you are not successful in getting the job .
20 If you want to make the most out of your interviews with professional people , ensure that they will be prepared to take you seriously because they know you have not been a time-waster in the past .
21 The correlation between such unlikely indicators and target markets was not discovered by accident , and marketers who want to get the most out of the results of the 1991 census , which will shortly become available , should be thinking about how they will do it now .
22 To get the most out of the census marketers should pursue at least one of three strategies .
23 Okay , I hope these hints will help you make the most out of your purchase .
24 ‘ Rehearsals ’ : how to plan them in order to get the most out of them .
25 RECORDING TO VIDEO Getting The Most Out Of Home Recording
26 It needs to be powerful , yet flexible enough to get the most out of the network and provide maximum business benefits .
27 Which means getting the most out of the computer investment you 've already made , and dramatically enhancing the value of your future investments .
28 Limited numbers at the Dr Karrass Effective Negotiating Workshop ensure that you get the most out of the two day sessions .
29 There 's like a challenge to try and get the most out of your mind and body in a sport which I think is as international as any other .
30 The Activity Book helps children to get the most out of the dictionary .
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