Example sentences of "made between [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the following pair of programs have the same effect on the final state and so have the same normal form : unc There are important distinctions that need to be made between processes at the boundary between ( a ) and ( b ) .
2 They were the leading power in eastern Europe ; Serbia had a client-prince and a marriage alliance had been made between King Imre of Hungary 's sister and the Byzantine emperor .
3 But in practice , not only did the courts accept Parliament 's power to make new laws , but a legal distinction was made between statutes which declared old law and those which created new law .
4 In early computers , in particular those of the first generation , little distinction was made between architecture and implementation ; the architecture was whatever could reliably and economically be implemented in hardware .
5 Clause 12 underlines the fairly obvious point that the contract made between Overdrive and the haulier is subject to English law .
6 But worst of all were the comparisons being made between Monty Clift and Jekyll and Hyde .
7 A distinction must also be made between agroforestry and plantation forestry ; the former involves the integration of silviculture with agricultural systems while the latter is entirely given over to timber production .
8 In contrast , in France links have been made between researchers in different disciplines , the work has been more highly developed theoretically and a major critical review of the state of research has been conducted .
9 In particular , both women considered that the attitudes to them was part of the broader set of links made between Catholicism and the status of women who should be based in the family and the home rather than in the world of work .
10 A distinction must be made between character dance and dances of character .
11 One of the earliest distinctions to be made between groups ( arising from the Hawthorne investigations ) was between formal and informal groups .
12 As the resultant percentages within groups were not always normally distributed , group medians were calculated with 95% confidence intervals ( derived by the Wilcoxon method ) and comparison was made between groups using the two tailed Mann-Whitney U test .
13 The distinction needs to be made between art therapists and occupational therapists , who have diagnostic and medical powers , and artists-in-residence , who do not .
14 The present report concerns consecutive patients with a firm diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis made between March 1987 and May 1991 : all were investigated prospectively to the agreed standard protocol .
15 But their distance from the point where contact is directly made between teaching and learning is important .
16 Thus , with the distinctions made between Chapters II and III , the Board of Education sought to establish clear , demarcated responsibilities for each of the two main providers of liberal adult education ; with the universities engaged in more academic levels of study .
17 The European labour movement lost its heartland , and no distinction was made between Communists and Social Democrats , between workers or intellectuals .
18 According to the electoral platform of the CPD as regards political prisoners , a distinction would be made between prisoners of conscience and prisoners of violence , and those accused of " homicide , grievous bodily harm , kidnapping and child theft " would fit into the former category .
19 In the TEI scheme all such objects are regarded as the same kind of element , called here a ‘ division ’ ; though a distinction is made between divisions whose hierarchic position is regarded as inseparable from their semantics ( these are encoded as , etc. down to elements ) and those for which their position in the document tree is regarded as of lesser importance ( these are encoded as ‘ vanilla ’
s ) .
20 This affords an opportunity to study effects of unanticipated changes in rateable values and enables comparisons to be made between properties where rates have increased , reduced or remained static .
21 The trouble with this , as with many another insecticide , is that there is no selectivity or distinction made between soil creatures that are harmful and those that are beneficial , like earthworms .
22 You could understand the connection made between hair and being manly but when you came to think of it , it was n't really true .
23 Some interesting comparisons can be made between RAF and USAF training methods .
24 Nevertheless the Cuk converter topology seems likely to remain an outsider until a true trade-off comparison can be made between Cuk and Buck at a series of realistic equivalent performance levels , a task that would take a lot of time , but whose results would be of great interest to many in the power supply design field .
25 His first major acts to subdue the Romans followed in the tradition of the agreements made between Clement II and the senate in 1188 and Celestine III and the senate in 1191 .
26 The following year , on the 29th June , agreement was made between Baronet William le Fleming , of Whittington , and one John Gorsuch of London , described as a gentleman .
27 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
28 This has the advantage of relating expenditure to sales , but it discourages innovative approaches to advertising expenditure and does not allow for distinctions to be made between products or sales territories .
29 The sampling of companies both by direct means ( interview ) and indirect means ( questionnaire ) , firstly , enabled questions to be tested across cultural boundaries ; secondly , permitted a more accurate checking of findings ; and , thirdly , facilitated comparisons and generalisations to be made between Germany , Holland and the UK .
30 Equally , the contrast just made between rules as breakable conventions and laws as something ‘ necessary and constant ’ ( to echo the previous chapter ) would also be rejected by behaviourists .
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