Example sentences of "made of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , having regard to maintaining the doctor 's primary duty , a Family Practitioners ' Committee is entitled to impose conditions limiting the number of visits per 1,000 patients which might be made by the deputising service , so as to prevent excessive use being made of a deputising service .
2 That means using magnets made of a superconducting material such as niobium-titanium alloy .
3 It was Mary who , with her husband Joseph — also a striking and impressive example of God 's grace — made of a simple house in Nazareth a home for the King of Kings .
4 Each caste is made of a group of family lineages who are endogamous within the caste but must marry outside the paternal lineage .
5 It was a balanced system in which the best use was made of a poor environment and which safeguarded the long-term interest of the communities which occupied it , at the level of which the land was capable .
6 made of a dirty old
7 Some use has been made of a control suggested by Kurtz ( 1955 ) , in which the subjects received pre-training on a same — different task .
8 With Ryan 's ring , made of a silver spoon bent into a spiral , on her finger , Jo felt safe .
9 To enable full use to be made of a machine materials used in the food environment need to be ‘ dishwasher proof ’ .
10 ‘ William , It Was Really Nothing ’ had a backbone made of a far more substantial nature .
11 Hunt coats are made of a heavy cloth called Melton which is almost waterproof , and very warm .
12 The use made of a library depended on the individual planner 's preference .
13 Perhaps the most deliberate use made of autobiographical sources is to be found in Thomas and Znaniecki 's study of the Polish peasant in Europe and America , where use is made of a specially commissioned autobiography written by a young man , Wladek Wisznienski , at the request of the authors .
14 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
15 It is also illegal for manufacturers to give their product a misleading name , or to claim that it is made of a particular ingredient which in fact makes up a very small proportion of the product .
16 Has any study been made of a similar problem ?
17 There is a great advantage in combining programmed instruction with practical exercises , as has been carried out by Wendt at Southern Illinois where use is made of a sample catalogue drawer .
18 But for the most part we shivered in our beds that winter , heaping on more and more blankets , which seemed to be made of a mixture of cardboard and lead and only increased the weight without increasing the heat .
19 The second generation uses a new type of semiconductor laser , made of a mixture of iridium , gallium , arsenic and phosphorus .
20 But in fact , the egg cells are quite the most likely place for the cycle to occur — because egg cells go through a phase of very high and relatively indiscriminate transcriptional activity when numerous RNA copies are made of a great deal of DNA including some of the Alu sequences .
21 In 1942 one such appointment was made of a deaf artist , Alfred Reginald Thomson , as official War Artist to the Royal Air Force .
22 If it is made of a slightly rough material it gives the caterpillar something to get a purchase on .
23 The dentine that forms the tough inner core of the tooth is a vital tissue , made of a composite of collagen and hydroxylapatite , and containing tubules that radiate from the pulp cavity at the centre of the tooth .
24 In one of his diagrams ( page 53 ) mention is made of a step-up transformer .
25 Still less has been made of a functionally similar underclass in the United States .
26 Some of the lighting power will be absorbed by the filter which will therefore get hot , and it should be made of a filter-gel which is sufficiently heat-resistant .
27 While we are with the greatest works of the period , mention must be made of a work of comparable distinction , the Doves Press edition of the Bible ( five volumes , 1903–5 ) , described by Colin Clair as ‘ in its magnificent simplicity one of the noblest books ever produced in this country ’ .
28 It is now made of a black Nubuk leather trimmed with purple and yellow , and is highly water repellent and quick drying .
29 A SHROUD , is composed of a peculiar kind of flannel , woven on purpose , and called shrouding flannel ; it is made of a breadth and a half , full length , so as to cover the feet ; one seam is sewed up , leaving the other open behind , like a pinafore ; slits are cut for arm-holes , and plain long sleeves , without gussets set in ; the front is gathered at the waist , and drawn up into a narrow piece ; this is twice repeated , at intervals of three nails down the skirt , upon each of these gatherings , round the neck and at the wrists , a kind of border of the same flannel , punched at the edge in a pattern , is plaited , and an edging of the same is made at the bottom .
30 It was made of a dark blue , rough , woven cloth and left only two small oval slits for the eyes .
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