Example sentences of "again as [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , staying for a moment with hi-jacking , here we have a specialised form of the Breakthrough Phenomenon , which until the antidote is produced or produces itself , has quite startling pyrotechnic results , but collapses again as the antidote is devised .
2 Norway , excluding Svalbard , is a third as big again as the UK with a population of only four million , most of whom live in Oslo , a fine city with one of the best museum complexes in Europe .
3 These remnants may be rolled into balls of netting and sink , or may continue to catch fish , sea birds and marine mammals as they drift in the ocean currents , sinking with the weight of entangled wildlife , only to rise towards the surface again as the bodies decompose .
4 Of the four university colleges , only Nottingham was a substantial provider of Chapter III courses , in the East Midlands , and here again as the provision pre-dated the 1932 Regulations , existing practice was recognised and approved by the Board of Education .
5 His aim , from his Northampton days on , was a team that could switch quickly from attack to defence and back again as the game dictated : and the development of Arsenal 's defence-in-depth system was matched by the creation of one of the most powerful forward lines in soccer history .
6 He paused again as the expectant hush intensified .
7 If matters improved but then worsened again as the injection wore off , it would perhaps indicate that the problems could be controlled with longer-term hormonal management , or even castration for Stan .
8 He also postulated that when they reached a certain length they fractured , producing several shorter lengths of shape-specific polymer which then continued to grow again as the potentization process was continued .
9 ‘ Forest have always been a side who finish better than they start and they will grow stronger again as the season progresses .
10 CERN 's technical record is such that few expect them to be insurmountable , though the original specifications for the magnets — two-thirds as powerful again as the SSC 's — may not be met .
11 Argyle and Henderson ( 1985 ) , reviewing evidence about contact between siblings , suggest that this follows a U-shape , being high in childhood and teenage years , falling off in the middle of adult life , and then picking up again as the siblings move into old age .
12 She dropped the inch or two down into her seat again as the train began to move .
13 In the " Old Rental " of 1682 certain properties were described as " Proper lands " and were " supposed " to be the benefaction of Sir Edmond ; according to the Goldsmiths ' records they were yielding only 56 13 4d a year between 1671 and 1720 , or only a little more than half as much again as the rent receivable two centuries earlier .
14 Sure enough , a sparkling line of firelight was twitching its way up the hill , the red gleam of flame shifting constantly in the slight breeze , and disappearing now and again as the marchers tracked up or down slopes in the road .
15 He fired again as the wounded bull turned and began galloping clumsily towards the safety of the trees , but this second shot went wide .
16 At this point you realise that you either need one computer to generate the images and a second to handle the transfer of these to the film recorder or you buy a bulk film pack ( which at over £6,000 costs as much again as the PCR/SlideWriter ! ) and run the imaging process overnight .
17 As she collapsed she saw the last of the assassins crumple , his body lifted once then once again as the shells ripped into him .
18 ’ I could hear Lili again as the crowd shifted .
19 And now they were climbing again as the building grumbled and shook .
20 The question followed once again as the pain subsided .
21 " Oh , poor little thing ! " she sobbed and stroked the cat 's bead again and again as the tears fell unchecked on the matted fur .
22 Out of this , forms emerge , solidify , and then disintegrate again as the spectator turns his attention back from the individual forms to the painting as a whole .
23 The village started half-alive about her , lights went on in some windows , then off again as the daylight strengthened .
24 Note : The Richards function arises from a particular expression for the relative growth rate of a plant , namely , for some size attribute X , This equation states that the growth rate is initially small , increases to a maximum , and then declines again as the plant approaches full growth .
25 Isabel sighed again as the horse moved off at his signal , breaking easily into a canter .
26 The words blurred again as the strange mist returned , thicker this time .
27 This was low in 1801 and 1802 but high over the next five years ; it was on the low side in 1812 and 1813 , recovered in 1814 , but was falling again as the wars ended .
28 She collapsed again as the 22-page indictment was read to a jury of 12 men and three women .
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