Example sentences of "again and the " in BNC.

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1 I rang again and the agent said she thought I 'd put the phone down . ’
2 I say it again and the man looks at me a bit angry like .
3 It began to snow again and the dark streets of Berlin had a new , immaculate blanket , hiding the grime and grease of the day .
4 After a few feeble and dispirited attempts to rotate his shoulders in a circular movement , or raise and lower his arms , he subsided with a groan and lay slumped until the nurse helped him up again and the torture continued .
5 The notice was off Frank 's door by the time he was able to move about again and the door itself was open .
6 I swung the club again and the ball shot off much as one had always imagined bats flee hell .
7 Today Honecker is in custody again and the tradition over which he presided is said to have run its course .
8 His bedroom door banged again and the curtain in front of the door moved in the draught .
9 The room started to sway again and the pains in his head intensified .
10 I gaze at the entry for a long time , tom between a longing to hear his voice again and the terror of becoming in thrall to even his disembodied form .
11 ‘ No , really , it 's very kind of you , but — ‘ The car ahead moves forward again and the car behind hoots impatiently .
12 The bus from Francistown had broken down again and the passengers disembarked , squatting in the cumbersome shade of a baobab tree .
13 As he went to play his shot , the wind howled in again and the ball moved right in the middle of his backswing .
14 This living nightmare lasted for many hours until a sickly daylight showed again and the sun could be seen once more through the haze of dust .
15 And then the whitewater caught me so I proned out and hung on — I was eaten up then I was spat out and then I was eaten up again and spat out again and the beach was right there , so I threw the board away and just rolled and rolled and tumbled , and I ended up in the river on the far side of the berm . ’
16 If she could have walked it in five minutes , then the cab should have done it in less , but it seemed a long five minutes before it stopped again and the cab driver opened the door , saying , ‘ Here we are then , lass . ’
17 He hesitated , then grabbed her wrist and twisted it so that she screamed again and the knife dropped .
18 There were boots outside again and the door was unbolted .
19 The door was opened again and the German put a foreign khaki uniform onto the bed .
20 They made me feel of some value again and the warmth was flooding through me long before the kettle had boiled on the iron stove in the corner .
21 Now the poison has struck again and the world prays for the Man of Prayer .
22 The humiliated Pernia never played for Argentina again and the normally partisan crowd jeered at the referee for dismissing Johnson .
23 Problems that improve temporarily and then relapse again and the previously effective remedy no longer works ; a dose or two of Sulphur in this situation will often either clear up the problem or will allow the indicated remedy to work again .
24 Afterwards the whole party take the stage again and the orchestra strikes up a seductive ‘ coon ’ melody .
25 People who have Alexander lessons , on the other hand , may gain height because the postural muscles start to work again and the other muscles are allowed to lengthen .
26 In the same 1943 raid , Torquay was also bombed again and the deaf centre escaped with minor blast damage when a bomb fell on the St. Marychurch building a few yards up the road , killing 18 children who were in the building .
27 But after a week or so things settled down again and the sky and the forest resumed their usual pattern .
28 Someone fired again and the boars split up .
29 He looked down again and the sand seemed pink in this storm light .
30 Parish council chairman Gillian Woodcraft said : Although the new school is still planned , lack of funding has delayed the start yet again and the county council wish to include the island site , between Rake Road and Mill Road , in the sale of the land occupied by the existing school to maximise resources . ’
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