Example sentences of "see [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In practice processions appear to have a favoured place providing there is no actual obstruction , that they are peaceful and that police directions are observed ( see Hirst v. Chief Constable of West Yorks ( C.A. , 1986 ) ) .
2 Such consent need not be expressed but can be implied by conduct depending upon the circumstances ( see Bilbrough v Holmes [ 1876 ] 5 Ch D 255 ) .
3 It was n't much read until they rediscovered it — Virginia Woolf knew it , she adduced it as an image of the essential androgyny of the creative mind — but the new feminists see Melusina in her bath as a symbol of self-sufficient female sexuality needing no poor males .
4 Any notice of disclaimer provided that it is " bold , precise and compelling " ( see Zawadski v Sleigh [ 1975 ] RTR 113 ) should establish the defence .
5 See Stewart v. Dunphy , 1980 S.L.T. ( Notes ) 93 in which it was decided such persons were guilty of an offence .
6 The customer relies on the dealer to provide a suitable and effective system and , consequently , there is a duty on the dealer to select and recommend an adequate system ( see Stewart v Reavell 's Garage [ 1952 ] , discussed in Chapter 14 ) .
7 So I see Amantani at its most fruitful ; all the crops shining and tall .
8 The number of days in a month will obviously depend on the month in question ; thus if a contract requires goods to be paid for within one month of delivery , and goods are delivered on 19 February , they must be paid for by 19 March ( see Dodds v Walker [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1061 ) .
9 The NVC for aquatic plants was not available at the time of writing , but see Spence in Burnett ( 1964 ) .
10 None of these communities is specifically recorded in the NVC for the Outer Hebrides ( but see Spence in Burnett , 1964 , and the surveys by the Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh , 1983,1984 , and 1985 ) .
11 The courts will normally refuse to allow claims of confidentiality in respect of the names and addresses of employees so as to prevent offers of other employment being made to them by departing staff ( see Baker v Gibbons [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 693 and Searle ( GD ) & Co Ltd v Celltech Ltd [ 1982 ] FSR 92 ) .
12 In the match vs scum on New Years Day , Strachan played on the right and White on the left , and I hoped that meant that I would *never* again see Strach on the left side , which is mostly a sad sight .
13 It is a long established rule of law that where a contracting party refuses to perform his contractual obligations by giving a wrong reason , this does not subsequently deprive him of a justification which in fact existed at the time of refusal ( see Taylor v Oakes ( 1922 ) 27 Com Cas 261 ; Braithwaite v Foreign Hardwood Co Ltd [ 1905 ] 2 KB 543 ; and Fercometal SARL v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [ 1989 ] AC 788 discussed in Chapter 15 ) .
14 See Mountford v. Scott , above , P.79 , Centrovincial Estates plc v. Merchant Investors , above , p. 115 , Thomas v. Thomas above , p. 198 .
15 To avoid the husband making a sale or charging the property ( standing in his sole name ) in the period between the decree absolute ( when the Class F protection ceasessee above ) and the completion of the conveyance to the wife or lodging of the transfer at HM Land Registry : ( a ) Unregistered Land A pending action under s5 of the Land Charges Act 1972 ( fee £1.00 ) should be registered by or on behalf of the wife ( in Form K3 ) provided the divorce petition has contained a request for a transfer of real property under s24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ; such a registration survives the decree absolute ( see Whittingham v Whittingham [ 1978 ] 2 WLR 936 and Perez-Adamson v Perez-Rivas [ 1987 ] 2 WLR 500 ) .
16 It would , I consider , be wrong to read it as requiring that in every case where a witness is shown to have made a previous statement inconsistent with his evidence at the trial , the jury should be directed that such evidence should be regarded as unreliable : see Driscoll v. The Queen ( 1977 ) 51 A.L.J.R. 731 , 740 , per Gibbs J. , with whom Barwick C.J. agreed , at p. 734 .
17 Misrepresentation or undue influence for which the debtor is responsible will not , unless the creditor had knowledge of what had happened , or unless the creditor was , via agency or some like route , a party to what had happened , prejudice the enforceability by the creditor of the security given by the surety : see Bainbrigge v. Browne , 18 Ch.D. 188 ; Mutual Finance Ltd. v. John Wetton & Sons Ltd. [ 1937 ] 2 K.B .
18 If an order is then placed , it may be held that the resulting contract incorporates the terms from the catalogue ( etc ) by reference ( see Snow v Woodcroft [ 1985 ] BCLC 52 ) .
19 As to the extent of the structural alterations which the licensing board may order under this subsection. see Bushell v. Hammond [ 1904 ] 2 K.B .
20 Thus if a partner obtains a renewal of a lease of partnership property in his own name , he is not permitted to treat that lease as his own property to the exclusion of his co-partners while the business continues and before there has been a distribution of assets following a dissolution ( see Featherstonhaugh v Fenwick ( 1810 ) 17 Ves Jr 298 ) .
21 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
22 ‘ I see Jim as a hero , ’ says the director , smiling .
23 The property is not to be sold until : ( i ) ( a ) the youngest child attains the age of eighteen years or ( b ) the youngest child shall cease full time education whichever is the later or ( ii ) the death of the Petitioner or ( iii ) the Petitioner shall remarry whichever shall first occur The above type of order is commonly known as a Mesher order ( after Mesher v Mesher and Hall [ 1980 ] 1 All ER 126 ) , and whilst it has been criticised ( see Mortimer v Mortimer [ 1986 ] 2 FLR 315 ) the court is still of the view that such an order might provide the best solution ( see Clutton v Clutton ( 1990 ) Times , 14 November ) .
24 A power for nobody to determine or for one party only to be able to determine is inconsistent with the concept of a term from year to year : see Warner v. Browne , 8 East 165 and Cheshire Lines Committee v. Lewis & Co . ,
25 As you know , I do not agree with those who see Schubert as a permanent lyricist .
26 For at the same time they still see no alternative to Tayif , and still see Aoun as the one great impediment in its way .
27 You see Jean on the telly with Neil Kinnock ?
28 They see Tatton as their nearest open space for recreation .
29 The owners might have claimed damages in arbitration against the yard with all the inherent unavoidable uncertainties of litigation , but in view of the position of the owners vis-d-vis their relations with Shell it would be unreasonable to hold that this is the course they should have taken : see Astley v. Reynolds ( 1731 ) 2 Str. 915 .
30 It should be appreciated that if one party to the marriage has no wish to occupy the matrimonial home that party is not entitled to register a Class F Land Charge against the owner ( see Barnett v Hassett [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 1385 where the husband left the wife 's house and did not wish to occupy it ) .
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