Example sentences of "day when the " in BNC.

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1 One of the former Scotland manager 's old teams , Airdrie , visit Somerset Park today — on a day when the Premier Division clubs have no matches as Scotland play on Wednesday — lying third in the First Division and keen to maintain form which has helped them overcome an uncertain beginning .
2 For example every day when the came to see me she wore a beautiful new sari .
3 On the contrary , BMW — which is to celebrate its 75th anniversary soon — greeted the announcement of the S-class with undisguised glee while sitting back to count record orders for its new 3-series and boast about production figures for its V12 — now running at 80 per day when the original target had been 10 to 15 .
4 This clip fixing of slipped slates is merely an expedient which can not forever put off the day when the permanent refixing or renewal of the entire roof covering is necessary .
5 AFTER the euphoria of the day when the Wall came tumbling down , comes the hangover as the Bush Administration tries to work out what to do next in eastern Europe .
6 I was doing my third week as a young crime reporter and had just about finished my second and last story of the day when the phone rang .
7 For April 6 is also the day when the over 60s will be eligible for tax relief on the premiums they pay for private medical insurance .
8 The disappointment is vivid yet of the Christmas day when the postman arrived at last , hours late , and brought me only a long narrow box of crackers .
9 It was said of him that he was preparing his Easter sermon early one Easter Day when the significance of the resurrection dawned on him .
10 It was a still , autumn day when the cremation took place .
11 Misting plants with a hand-held sprayer is highly effective , although it has to be done regularly , preferably early in the day when the sun is n't shining on the leaves to avoid scorch .
12 The next day when the pinecones were collected up they were full of earwigs .
13 Sometimes when it is really cold , and it rains heavily all day long , some of the horses that we normally stable overnight are kept in longer , and may not be put out in the paddock until the next day when the rain has stopped .
14 Not only was he shaken and upset by the accident , but , worse for him , his favourite race car suffered severe damage on a day when the Marlboro McLaren Honda team endured a series of setbacks to their own hopes .
15 It is the happiest of coincidences for them that on this day when the mind of thinking adults in this country is concentrated on whom not to vote for , the Masters opens at Augusta .
16 I have never heard of anybody , apart from people who may hope to get good jobs in these bogus new regional authorities , who , thrilled by a weird kind of socialist local patriotism , longs for the day when the flag of the East Midland Region is raised over the Great Roundabout of Retford , or the parliament of the West Midland Region holds its inaugural meeting at Telford New Town .
17 It is the day when the Queen traditionally announces who is to be awarded the Garter .
18 The Italian alert provided the main drama in a day when the diplomatic noose around Libya was tightened .
19 On a day when the pin positions and the weather conspired to have the second round asking still more difficult questions than the first , Knuth added a 77 to her opening 73 .
20 From the dawn of consciousness until August 6 1945 , man had to live with the prospect of his death as an individual ; since the day when the first atomic bomb outshone the sun over Hiroshima , he has had to live with the prospect of his extinction as a species . ’
21 They collect here each day when the municipal truck appears and go through the refuse looking for resellable objects , which are put in a sack to he sorted out later .
22 Doubly fortunate is the journalist who can within 24 hours leave Beirut and look upon what is left of the world Damiani lost on that April day when the Argentina sailed out of Jaffa harbour for Beirut , carrying his family from Palestine for the last time .
23 Sunday is the only day when the Royal Gardens are open .
24 Next day when the lock rattled she stiffened in fear and defiance , but it was neither of her parents .
25 In fact everything was going to plan until the third day when the crowd got to him .
26 A recent offender makes its intentions of arousing morbid curiosity perfectly clear on its front cover , proclaiming ‘ 30,000 people burned , boiled and suffocated to death ’ , ‘ A whole thriving city levelled to the ground in seconds ’ , and ‘ The world best-selling account of one day when the earth exploded ’ .
27 The day when the search guards were given orders to act roughly , and the little R.A.S.C. captain who came running out of the block with his mouth still bleeding from a blow with a rifle butt .
28 I did all I could for that plant , but while my White Poplar in the garden went from strength to strength , sprouting new branches and hundreds of suckers that came up like a forest over all the lawn , the fern bought on that memorable day when the second deluge had fallen just faded away before my eyes .
29 The day I was there was the still , silent kind of a winter day when the light clings to the skyline slowly moving round from east to south to west .
30 The researcher who collects data on everything under the sun , just because it seems so easy at the time to ask a few more questions about this and that , usually rues the day when the analysis of all the answers has to be carried out .
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