Example sentences of "might have a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You might have a point here somewhere .
2 ‘ She is very much like Ashayer , but might have a little more speed . ’
3 Well , England made a B tour last summer , from which it was deduced that Terry Hurlock might have a full international future .
4 An executive might have a limited opportunity to see for himself/herself conditions in a foreign country .
5 There was talk before the start of the competition having become more intense ; of the gap between McLaren and the rest having been reduced to the point where we might have a race on our hands .
6 On lap 21 , it seemed it might have a niggling problem with its drivers as Patrese made a serious lunge down the inside and Mansell made an equally serious attempt to stop him .
7 ‘ But now I am concerned that he might have a different response this year ! ’
8 I 'd go in if Marie was with me , but I 'm on my own and I might have a bit of difficulty with the menu .
9 Omi sat quietly crocheting , Erika conscientiously worked on her sightseeing list for the next morning , writing out appropriate comments from the official guide to the city , Herr Nordern , guilt-free , smoked and drank brandy and Frau Nordern sat by him , having a drink , too , wondering whether she might have a cigarette — but deciding not to , preferring to keep that secret to herself .
10 How curious that last week 's suggestion that a cabinet minister might have a link with such activities should bring the threat of damnation from a prominentlibel lawyer .
11 While this spared the Bush Administration from the perils of thinking for itself , or heaven forbid , taking a policy decision for which it might get criticised , it naively ignored the danger that Bonn might have a large axe of its own to grind .
12 At last the Eastern Bloc nations might have a chance of catching up with the West , and we owe them a debt .
13 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
14 Even before he intervened last November , Sir Anthony had indicated the DTI might have a case to answer .
15 Dutch policies applied generally might have a damaging influence on the world economy , it says , ‘ How great such influence might be and to what extent it might be worse that that resulting from the worldwide deterioration in the quality of the environment is not known . ’
16 Some officials have spoken of getting NATO to spread its wings , though they might have a hard time persuading the Canadians and Europeans of that .
17 In Nigeria , so I had heard , people gave their houses numbers for aesthetic reasons , because a certain number might have a distinguished ring to it .
18 ‘ You 'd have to signal in advance which issues you regarded as a matter of confidence — for instance , the Tories might have a crack at coal privatisation but might not want to go to the country on it if they failed . ’
19 ‘ The level depends on the geology under each house — next door could be safe but yours might have a high level , ’ explains Jill Wilkinson of the National Radiological Protection Board .
20 The tunic might have a silken decorative border , and in winter a fur coat of ermine would have been worn over the tunic .
21 But there are those in England , too , who also fail to see that participation in drama has two faces , or rather , a face and a mask : the ‘ game ’ of drama where a group of participants share a significant experience , and a theatrical performance where a group of actors present the drama so that an audience might have a significant experience .
22 But I think we might have a little time to ourselves now , and be d — d to anyone who says we have n't both earned it !
23 ‘ If the child were a little older , you might have a point .
24 But should it be that anyone ever wished to posit that I have attained at least a little of that crucial quality of ‘ dignity ’ in the course of my career , such a person may wish to be directed towards that conference of March 1923 as representing the moment when I first demonstrated I might have a capacity for such a quality .
25 It was there in order that people might have a picnic by a monument , on just such a day as this .
26 In this way the homosexual writer is granted a dubious measure of liberal pity ( ‘ if only he had n't lived in such a repressive world ’ ) while at the same time the heterosexual critic distances the threatening possibility that a homosexual writer might have a great many insights into the codes , mechanisms and ideologies of heterosexuality itself .
27 But also it might have a greater effect on leukaemic cells , which divide more frequently , probably use more folic acid , and are thus more vulnerable to a competitive antagonist .
28 There 's a chance that he might have a moderately common anatomical abnormality of the penis ( present in about one man in 200 ) which makes it difficult to avoid peeing on the floor .
29 You think you might have a hobby , but are too embarrassed to tell anyone about it ?
30 The thought occurred once again to Henry that someone who was n't him might have a sexual interest in his wife .
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