Example sentences of "might [vb infin] by " in BNC.

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1 As individual cells can express different IP 3 Rs , variations in sensitivity might arise by varying the contribution of different subunits to the tetrameric receptor complex .
2 This is not merely a question of allocative efficiency , which we might answer by considering the resources tied up in looking after the sick or the extra output that healthier workers could produce .
3 Any gains it might make by fiddling with its strategy for OS/2 would be offset — perhaps more than offset — by the confusion such fiddling would engender about IBM 's overall strategy .
4 Second , context-specificity can be observed in conditions that preclude an important role for generalization decrement or other factors that might act by influencing the way in which the CS is perceived .
5 Although , in terms of volume or profitability , such discoveries can not hope to make up for the fading glory of the state 's North Slope field , daily Alaskan production might fall by only a few hundred thousand barrels over the next decade , rather than dwindling away , as some had suggested .
6 And to do that will require individuals with the ability to clarify the issues and an acute sense of when they might advance by retreating a little .
7 He heard all patiently , taking the pain within himself in the hope that he might show by his own fallible example how much greater was the patient love of Christ .
8 ‘ Maybe not but I think both you and Len might benefit by talking about what happened that morning ; after all , apparently you were the only one who actually saw him fall .
9 But the country was quite aware of the benefits of home production , and Parliament together with the indefatigable Elizabeth became desirous to " … that benefit State might reap by making Copper in her Realm therebye to be provided of a Competent Store for her necessary without being beholden to forragne Princes her Neighbours … "
10 Other leaders might emerge by popular choice and through their personal drive and qualities .
11 They suspected that it might work by inserting its own genes — and in particular the ‘ promotor ’ DNA that activates them — next to an innocent cellular proto-oncogene , thus stirring it to an unnatural and cancer-causing level of activity .
12 In 1989 the same committee suggested that a possible slight shortage of doctors might occur by the first decade of the twenty first century .
13 Saturday might begin by dividing the participants into small groups of three or four , each composed of people from different communities so that everybody will be encouraged to work together as a team rather than rely on ‘ traditional ’ dominant group-leaders .
14 Suppose , for example , you wanted to write an essay on ‘ Health ’ ; you might begin by making a list of the points you wished to include .
15 We might begin by asking : what knowledge do people have about processes beyond the boundaries of familiar reality ?
16 For example , to place the concept ‘ hypertext ’ in a semantic net , one might begin by saying that it contains documents , runs on computers , and serves users .
17 For example a survey concerned with the whole National Health Service staff might begin by separating the hospital and the general practice services , then sample key regions of the country , separate urban , suburban and rural services and then select within organisations as mentioned above .
18 A second approach to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power might begin by showing that the response outlined so far is fundamentally misguided .
19 Of the studies done by psychologists , one might begin by referring to those conducted by Mandler and Johnson on what are called story grammars .
20 We might begin by asking ourselves just what is a sexual problem : we may find the term a difficult one to define , and even more so if we attempt to assess the magnitude of the problem in any given situation or individual .
21 You might begin by writing notes and questions to yourself — to check what you already know and where you need more information .
22 If biologists wanted to know how an organism such as the human body worked , they might begin by examining the various parts such as the brain , lungs , heart and liver .
23 For example , we might begin by first attacking the mentalist notion of " privileged access " .
24 Pupils might begin by examining their area about 50 years ago .
25 Such an approach might begin by adopting Goffman 's ( 1976 ) distinction between systems-constraints and ritual-constraints , where the first labels the ingredients essential to sustaining any kind of systematic interweaving of actions by more than one party , and the second those ingredients that , while not essential to the maintaining of interaction , are nevertheless typical of it they are , if one likes , the social dimensions of interaction .
26 If so , we can easily adjourn to Fred 's Caff in Brixton where you might react by trying to speak the Queen 's English . ’
27 It may well have been fun while it lasted , but we might guess by now that the Titfords would not stay long in Spa Fields , any more than they had anywhere else .
28 Your biggest problem is one you yourself might create by over-reacting .
29 After a certain amount of small talk , he says casually , ‘ Perhaps I might drop by some time .
30 One way to express the answer is that it might happen by ‘ chance ’ .
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