Example sentences of "us how [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 THE Bible teaches us how to behave to the sinner that repents , but stays understandably silent on how to deal with the prince who breaks the Church 's rules .
2 Enough has been revealed about the antics of the Monarchy in the past few weeks to suggest that people in palaces should not be trying to tell the rest of us how to behave .
3 That is good news for those which claim to identify hidden structures and forces , although this itself does nothing to tell us how to justify such a claim .
4 Last month JOHN RUNDLE told us how to spawn the Neon Tetra — but the Cardinal tetra , apparently so similar , is a far greater challenge …
5 It was he who taught some of us how to use a .38 calibre revolver when we went hiking on the rolling prairies for shooting competitions , with gophers or tin cans as our main targets .
6 The form that the argument in our research will take will show us how to use our hypotheses .
7 ‘ They taught us how to use all the divination equipment … .
8 We had real cowboys teaching us how to use a gun although I 've never felt the need to carry a gun um , I felt like a five year old with a pistol .
9 To show us how to do the hedgerow and the European round table design as well .
10 Get the bomb squad out any way , but erm , the British army has got a lot of important that 's they way we would fight the Russians , take over a small hamlet , mortify it and that 's how the only way we would ever up the Russian 's grass nest , they take it very seriously , so what they did if they tell us how to do it , walks us through , show us what to do , let us do it and then they 'd make us do it again , but without any mistakes and that , it was really good and they showed us how to er mortify up a house , go , going through all the sewers and stuff is quite fun
11 Son told us how to do it once , so he got the book out and he said , oh , then he gave up in the end !
12 I think she showed us how to do
13 Oh , Lord , teach us how to forgive .
14 ‘ That 's the worst part of it — now he 'll be showing us how to take corner kicks and how to score goals ! ’
15 His appeal to the concept of a super-organism allowed him to present ecology as a science that would show us how to manage the natural productivity of an entire region .
16 They believe the Western world is always interfering with their natural resources and they are now telling us how to manage ours " .
17 I was quite surprised , er during the summer I went to my grandson 's school fete and they had a hot air balloon demonstration there and this er , this car turned up with a trailer on the back with , I du n no , probably some name , hot air balloon name on the trailer , I thought oh yes he 's gon na show us how to inflate it and i I was quite amazed from the time he unpacked the balloon to the time it actually took off was only ten minutes .
18 Can you tell us how to deal with these problems ?
19 Because of the disruptive influence of Self 1 on our performance , Gallwey , rather than teaching us how to perform a skill , concentrates on ways of distracting Self 1 thereby letting the body perform in its own intuitive way .
20 The whistle would go , Whitaker would show us how to swing over the regulator and we would be away .
21 Professor Conzen has shown us how to analyse town plans to reconstruct their phases of development and discrete planned units .
22 The Bible tells us how to conduct ourselves in relation to God and to our fellow men .
23 Here we were 33 Black workers , called together by two white men , who were to tell us how to go about discussing the issues of racism and ethno-centricism .
24 In likening natural science to religion , Winch is presenting both as ways of ordering experience by means of rules which tell us how to go on .
25 They do n't know anything about life , so they come and tell the rest of us how to live it . ’
26 ‘ This , books can do … they give new views to life , and teach us how to live . ’
27 They told us how to live our lives , occupied us until we lived our life their way .
28 The State teaches us how to view the world :
29 I was going in I was gon na ask somebody to come down and show us how to light the boiler .
30 He will teach us how to pray .
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