Example sentences of "government [to-vb] all " in BNC.

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1 Gerry Walker from AFF told last week 's conference that it is very difficult for local and central government to monitor all waters continuously .
2 The ultimate paradox of profit remittance policies came in mid-1989 , when the debt crisis caused the government to freeze all profit transfers .
3 It demanded the repeal of a Nov. 2 resolution establishing a republican guard , and ordered Moldavia 's government to disband all voluntary militias .
4 The Commons Defence Select committee urges the government to halt all plans to merge infantry regiments .
5 Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Arens ordered the reopening on Sept. 4 of the Islamic University in Gaza , one of six closed by Israel at the start of the intifada in 1987 , as " part of a continuing policy by the government to open all universities " .
6 It urges the government to revoke all existing planning permissions for extracting peat .
7 He called on the government to withdraw all licences for pumping water from rivers and underground aquifers .
8 Amnesty International has welcomed the releases , but is urging the government to release all remaining prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally .
9 Amnesty International is calling on the Cuban Government to release all prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally ; to permit political detainees to see their lawyers immediately after arrest and regularly thereafter ; and to incorporate international fair trial standards into Cuban law and legal practice .
10 It urged the Pakistan Government to release all Ahmadi prisoners of conscience unconditionally and immediately , and to bring the country 's legislation in line with international human rights standards .
11 Former US President Jimmy Carter called on the Chinese government to release all its political prisoners during a speech delivered on April 14 at Beijing Foreign Affairs College .
12 Even so , calls for a general strike to force the Government to end all support for intervention were heavily defeated at the Labour Party Conference in June .
13 In France there had already been speculation , followed by disaster , when John Law persuaded the government to unite all the French colonies into a single vast Company for trading up the Mississippi and in the Indies , which was then used as the base for a wild expansion of the French currency .
14 The death on May 4th of Haruyuki Takata , an unarmed policeman in Cambodia , also led the Japanese government to order all its people working for the United Nations there back to the capital , Phnom Penh .
15 After advising counsel for the government that Washington could not keep on withholding relevant evidence , Chief Judge Platt ordered the government to produce all documents relating to how and where the bomb was placed on Flight 103 for inspection in camera by 1 October 1990 .
16 Everything seemed to hinge , therefore , on Chief Judge Platt 's decision to order the government to produce all documents relating to the bombing of Flight 103 by 1 October 1990 , for his review in camera .
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