Example sentences of "same [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's the trend which , in addition to its desire to see our juniors competing on the same surfaces as their international counterparts , has seen our own LTA encourage the court manufacturers in this country towards the cushioned acrylic type of tennis courts .
2 That is , they think it 's knitted in the same yarns and feels just the same as single -bed Fair Isle .
3 Only , of course , there were the plans to make for her grocery stall , people to see , the same plans as last year , and year upon year before that , the same people , the same questions , the anticipated replies for help .
4 Indeed the one true bright spot in the Fujitsu firmament is ICL now that Amdahl Corp labours under the same woes as its 42% shareholder .
5 Indeed the one true bright spot in the Fujitsu firmament is ICL now that Amdahl Corp labours under the same woes as its 42% shareholder .
6 Administrative problems played their part in this story since the centres were not run by the same authorities as those managing the state hospitals .
7 City Index will keep the same hours but its seats betting has already closed .
8 I suppose it 's too much to expect a senior Queen 's Counsel to work the same hours as ordinary folk , ’ Bragg said grumpily .
9 The alternative permitted hours are , on weekdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. , on Saturdays the same hours as for weekdays or alternatively , 1 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. , and on Sundays 12.30 pm. to 2 p.m. and 4 pm. to 9 p.m .
10 That 's roughly about the same hours as the government 's just decided to spend on sending the Parent 's Charter to every household in Britain , I think that 's gon na cost over two million as well .
11 Transfer to the payroll at the same hours as at present which would form the basis of their regular monthly salary .
12 There was colossal opposition to these developments at the planning stage , but local people 's views were generally ignored by the Tory administration of the day , who basically held the same values as the developers and permitted the schemes .
13 Many deficiencies can be made good from alternative sources : time and again the Valor Ecclesiasticus , compiled barely a decade later , gives virtually the same values as the survey for Church properties .
14 They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and progressively minded public opinion articulated by journalists , writers , professors , and students .
15 It forms the basis of social unity or social solidarity since individuals will tend to identify and feel kinship with those who share the same values as themselves .
16 As with the free ion , the inter-electronic effects depend on a number of complicated integrals ; these can be expressed in terms of Racah parameters , but B and C do not have the same values as they have for the free ion .
17 He found there was no real difference between Santiago marginals and those in higher strata in a cultural way , that is , they shared the same values and aspirations , but the squatters were unable to realise these because of structural features .
18 She expects her son-in-law to be just the same kind of husband and father , with all the same values and priorities , and finds it difficult to accept him as a man with a different set of strengths and weaknesses , however happy he makes her daughter , and this may need to be pointed out to her .
19 He parks with his team , eats with his team and uses the same toilets as his team .
20 It was still possible to study natural objects without infringing on the theologians ' treatment of those same objects as signs of God .
21 Instead , it is often simpler to make use of open-ended or indefinite contracts , the same contracts as are applied to other , " permanent " members of staff .
22 The livret does not say whether the oboes in the first entrée are the same performers as the harmonie rustique that accompanies the récit , but for reasons having to do with economy of personnel and continuity in the staging , it seems likely that they were .
23 In other words , ambitious Labour politicians will have to apply the same skills that win national elections to internal party contests .
24 Two in five employers said that a woman the same age and with the same skills as a man would be more likely to be turned down because of her age .
25 And he was delighted to find that these forerunners of pop journalism had used the same skills as those on which he prided himself to stamp events into the nation 's consciousness .
26 Another conclusion must be that if we as teachers are relative experts in our own subjects , and tend to read textbooks in our own subject area with the same skills as the Cornell students , then we may be insensitive to inadequacies in those textbooks .
27 The same strategies that Reuben Mattus had used in New York were adopted — high prices , exclusive distribution , good quality controls , selective PR and a distinctive image .
28 You can bosh it out , use the same strategies as the independent record labels .
29 he , we shagged the same bird me and Nick , not on the same times but oh I went out with her after he went out with her .
30 Subject : same times or else
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