Example sentences of "work and [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A few years later , in 1912 , La Fresnaye , attempting to describe a certain aspect of Cézanne 's work and to assess his influence on contemporary painting said : ‘ Each object , in one of the late canvases , has ceased to exist only in itself , and becomes little by little a cell within the whole organism of the painting .
2 It 's enabled us all to work and to conduct our cases in as an amiable atmosphere as the adversarial system allows , and we are grateful for that .
3 A tubercular kidney was diagnosed and Laidler was advised to give up office work and to spend his winters abroad .
4 Last year , Morrissey told the NME : ‘ I am incapable of racism ’ which , in turn , prompted me to exonerate him from any underlying racist intent in his work and to conclude , ‘ the liberal cycle appears to have been completed ’ .
5 As D. S. Landes has pointed out , whereas the public clock could be used to open and close markets , to signal the start and end of work and to move people around , it signalled only moments rather than the continual passage of time .
6 — Employers are responsible for ensuring that their business gives every opportunity to young people to learn about the world of work and to improve their motivation and the achievement of their goals .
7 We 'd obviously , we 'd like to get the agreement of this committee to continue that work and to take it up to the various bodies and consultation .
8 An art department is to a great extent a collective endeavour ; certain people are doing crucial , if low-profile , work and to punish some and reward others is likely to be demoralising and counter-productive .
9 Our decision to give the assessors that responsibility reflects the views put to us during the consultation which persuaded us that they were best placed to undertake the work and to do the job well within the timetable allowed .
10 The structure of DNA was determined by Sydney S. Bremner and Francis Crick , who came to Cumberland Lodge to talk about his work and to attack organized religion .
11 Such schemes were an attempt to accommodate the desire of many older people to continue in at least part-time work and to find new ways of continuing the older tradition of gradual transition from full-time work to full retirement .
12 The Chief Officer needed to contribute to this work and to help the Council maintain the influence in higher education it had developed in the previous six years , and to develop public awareness of the Council 's aims and activities .
13 The aim of the exhibition is to show the quality and variety of Jordaens 's work and to reassess where he stands in relation to Rubens , by whom he has always been overshadowed .
14 Enough documentation has survived to enable Rose to reconstruct the earlier work and to establish its title .
15 Due diligence will be undertaken by a number of different advisers to Newco and the investors , and in certain transactions it is advisable for these parties to meet before the exercise in order not to duplicate work and to provide for cross-fertilisation of ideas .
16 I would be delighted to tell you more about our work and to work with you on issues of common concern .
17 Those who make and operate the laws of copyright seek both to safeguard the integrity of a work and to ensure an income for its writer .
18 The main contractor will also have to make proper arrangements for control of operations on site , to monitor the quality of subcontracted work and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements .
19 17.58 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 9 should be encouraged to make their own decisions about the appropriate length for a piece of work and to recognise that there can be merit in brevity .
20 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
21 ‘ Edwin was always a joker but the point was that he seemed to undervalue his own work and to think less of my judgement because I did not .
22 After the shadowing , regular visits began by all advisers to observe subject teachers at work and to look into the policies and procedures of the school .
23 An employer is obliged to provide a safe system of work and to pay his employees in accordance with the terms of their contracts .
24 He wanted work and to pay for the damage so I offered him a job . ’
25 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
26 The young Ulster Youth Dance company has already shown that the dancers have the ability to match the dramatic intensity and sensitivity of this great work and to bring it triumphantly to life .
27 The children are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their own work and to become more aware of the importance of self-evaluation .
28 Helpful for professional development , in that the process of carrying out systematic assessment , — recording attainment and moderating the outcomes and discussion with other teachers will provide a valuable basis for teachers to evaluate their own work and to gain access to new thinking .
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