Example sentences of "does not know " in BNC.

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1 Val does not knows it .
2 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
3 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
4 BS is supposed to have complete scientific knowledge of V and his physical environment when V sees : yet BS does not know what it is like for V to see , what colours look like , etcetera .
5 As BS knows everything relevant about the physical state of affairs , the things that he does not know about are not physical states of affairs .
6 The most primitive physicalist response to this argument is to deny the claim that there is anything about the mind that BS does not know .
7 On the other hand , materialists seem to be prevented by their materialism from allowing that there is any relevant fact that BS does not know .
8 To take this road is to resort to what I earlier described as the ‘ most primitive physicalist response ’ to the problem , which involves denying that there is anything about the nature of experience that BS does not know .
9 Safety is also an important factor when stretching with a partner ; he does not know how much pain you are in and he could inadvertently overstretch you .
10 For of all those peppered by the shotgun blast of criticism that came out of the Cleveland inquiry , where in little more than three months 121 children were diagnosed as actual or possible victims of child sexual abuse , only Dr Higgs still does not know her future and faces effective dismissal .
11 He does not know what a hyena can do to a human body . ’
12 ‘ There is nobody I do business with that does not know of my convictions , ’ Mr Carway told The Independent .
13 She does not know .
14 You have all the knowledge , and all the choices are available , and the trouble is that with all this knowledge a child does not know what to do , how to make a decision .
15 David Abell has said he does not know who is behind Sterling .
16 Mr Goodwin did not see the file and does not know if his source had access to the file .
17 ATORY MP yesterday made the first admission that the Government does not know whether children from poorer backgrounds will be put off higher education by the introduction of top-up loans , writes Celia Weston .
18 Suppose for a moment that Mr Gorbachev himself does not know what he has in mind ; assume that he is just a moderniser with no clear idea where modernising leads .
19 She does not know much about world politics ; she undertakes her ‘ strange Odyssean intellectual and political adventure into the soul and psyche of this unknown leader ’ in , she says , ‘ a systematic journalistic manner ’ .
20 France does not know which way to go .
21 He replied , ‘ Like one who has risen in the morning and does not know whether he will be dead in the evening . ’
22 Though Abraham does not know it , he has spoken the truth !
23 The mandatory penalty of life imprisonment for murder makes issues of relative culpability non-justiciable at present , since the length of imprisonment is ‘ determined or partly determined behind the scenes by someone who has not heard any representations by or on behalf of the prisoner on grounds which the prisoner does not know ’ .
24 The woman is looking me straight in the eyes , Alida thought , she does not know even the basic elements of courtesy , she has paid no attention at all to the very relevant account of my condition .
25 For example , a horse that will not do something we may call ‘ stubborn ’ or ‘ pig-headed ’ , when in fact it does not know what we want .
26 This is exactly the difference : a poor conductor often does not know what to do after the third rehearsal , he has nothing more to say , he is more easily satisfied , because he does not have the capacity for further discrimination , and because nothing in him imposes higher requirements .
27 Asked about the possibility of economic difficulties , she was concerned about how they would manage : ‘ The new government does not know where to begin with the economy , which is in a shambles .
28 JOHN SMITH is preparing to launch the biggest tax assault ever on middle income families while claiming that he does not know what the effect of his tax hike will be on incentives , confidence or on the economy .
29 Cosequently , the Treasury does not know whether its spending overdraft for the coming budget year will be closer to $350 billion or $400 billion .
30 Since even Mr Kinnock does not know the secret of what he really thinks , what chance is there of anyone else finding it out ?
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