Example sentences of "having been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They were not in a very good state of conservation , having been drastically overcleaned in previous restoration campaigns sponsored by the Carthusian monks .
2 John Knox returned to a tumultuous welcome , having been flatteringly described as a reformer who not merely ‘ lopped the branches of the papistry ’ but struck ‘ at the root , to destroy the whole ’ .
3 The last few years have seen a tremendous amount of' reconstruction , both internally and externally , some parts of the building having been perilously close to collapse .
4 Well I you 'll forgive me the disadvantage , I 'm not trying to cop out , but the disadvantage of not having been immediately involved is that I have n't seen that quotation from Michael .
5 STAFF : Our staff are friendly and efficient having been thoroughly trained to offer you personal help and advice .
6 Our usual sense of time is dependent on measurable changes proceeding in a linear sequence and this having been thoroughly and very pleasantly disrupted , a kind of musical clairvoyance is created in which past , present and future seem to intermingle .
7 But there was so much else to see that , as time flew by , it was no surprise to her that , having been thoroughly absorbed , she had forgotten entirely such necessities as eating , until Ven good-humouredly mentioned , ‘ Since I did n't wish to intrude on your pleasure to suggest a coffee-break , will you permit me , at ten past one , to suggest we have a break for lunch ? ’
8 What w what was it like when you you first w w went over there , I mean having been here in in and then all of sudden finding yourself in France ?
9 The prefect was more concerned that we and everyone should keep quiet about Daniel having been here ; the last thing he wants is word to get out that a wanted renegade came and went on his demesne without hindrance .
10 He has taught in schools and universities in Ireland and in France , and is now Reader in French in this university , having been here since nineteen sixty six .
11 She was also much smaller , the police ship having been over three hundred tons .
12 Stalin therefore becomes the authentic Marxist , able to deal with specific historical circumstances , as against Trotsky who is regarded as having been hopelessly caught up with the a priori universalism of an abstract Marxism .
13 Her rent having been enormously increased , because her landlord thought he could get much more from some South American tenants , Ivy began to consider moving .
14 Psychologists have a fairly negative attitude to theories , having been badly scarred by the experience of the grand theories of behaviour published in the 1930s and 1940s .
15 The tatie of course what it says , that vegetable having been traditionally associated with stupidity .
16 This condition is usually associated with bulbs which have naturalised and , having been inadequately maintained , they gradually become less and less vigorous and do not have sufficient energy to produce flowers .
17 On 30 June Colonel Wilkinson was at his desk catching up on policy matters after having been away for several days visiting units in the Liverpool area and attending an Army Catering Corps Promotion Selection Board held at Exeter .
18 On 30 November 1766 , having been away for over three years , the Mozarts returned to Salzburg .
19 This is a poor harvest from those weeks or months that the Pounds spent in Sicily ; and indeed it is no harvest at all , since none of these allusions depends in any way on the poet 's having been physically present in the island .
20 I was informed that this was the third ’ clip out ’ he had had during the night on that rod , the other two having been either aborted or missed .
21 Looking at the age of the sexual revolution he isolates a set of changes that he views as having been particularly significant in shaping the period .
22 Having a vast natural range to start with and then having been extensively introduced around the world by humans , it is found virtually everywhere , in both its domestic and its wild forms .
23 A number of ancient suture zones representing previous plate collisions have been recognized but only a few of these , such as the Urals and the Appalachians formed 300 to 250 MaBP , are major relief features at the present day , most having been extensively eroded and covered by later sediments .
24 The practice is classed as having been professionally marginal because at the time of the research it was new to the town .
25 Riley crash-landed on Luqa airfield having been slightly wounded .
26 A monastery occupies the foundations today , the military buildings having been largely pulled down long ago .
27 A straight channel was cut under the new bridge for the river to run in and it joined the original channel near the site of the old boathouse , the river 's original course having been near where the old Post Office used to stand .
28 Sheridan Lorrimore was telling a long-suffering good-natured couple all about his prowess at ice hockey and Xanthe , pouting and put out at having been temporarily deserted by Mrs Young , had ended up next to Giles-the-murderer whose real-life preference , I 'd gathered , was for boys .
29 Here , a recently polished elm coffin sits on padded woodworking trestles ; it is in the process of having its chevroned starched linen fringe gimped to the upper edge of the inner lining , a length of which hangs outside the coffin awaiting turning-in , the lid having been temporarily replaced for the purpose of photography .
30 At the fourth ( roof ) stage the roof was positioned ( by a hand operated pneumatic hoist ) , having been previously assembled in a jig .
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