Example sentences of "having [been] take " in BNC.

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1 Pat Riley , large , square and solid , the sergeant-major who ruled by tact , was actually an American citizen , having been taken there as a child .
2 One of the first brass mills in the region was set up by Abraham Darby ( q.v. ) in 1702 , but by 1930 the industry was extinct in the area , having been taken over by Birmingham .
3 Turkey Mill dates partly from the eighteenth century , having been taken over in 1740 by James Whatman , a name famous for high-quality papers , especially for artists .
4 If there is evidence or suspicion of drugs or poisonous substances having been taken .
5 They left the court with no decision having been taken .
6 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
7 Up until the accident LF363 was the longest serving aircraft in the RAF , having been taken on charge on January 28 , 1944 , serving with 63 , 309 ( Polish ) and 26 Squadrons .
8 It is not advisable for an expatriate and family to arrive in Britain without some steps having been taken in advance to arrange accommodation .
9 In spite of the causal theory 's having been taken over from the rationalist , Descartes , it could be put to use in the interests of empiricism .
10 The London jewellers Tessiers reopened on 5 November , having been taken over by new owners .
11 As for the letters of confirmation and negotiating the arrangements of the loan , Feigen states that in her sworn depositions Hildenbrand admitted that she had forged the museum director 's agreement regarding the loan , the letterhead having been taken off a business card and the signature of the director having been forged .
12 If it is to be held that both women and men find salvation in Christ , then it must be simply ‘ humanity ’ which is of significance as having been taken on .
13 In the result the justices on the second day of the hearing , the evidence having been taken the day before and the justices having indicated that they had reached a decision but would give their reasons the next day , made not an interim care order but two prohibited steps orders .
14 It is a gut reaction to the sense of having been taken over by affluent and alien strangers .
15 Compare it with a late kouros ( fig. 72 ) , a larger work set on a grave in central Attica , of one Aristodikos , and beautifully preserved through having been taken down and buried when it can not have been standing very long , perhaps to avoid desecration by the Persian invader .
16 In many cases these responses had developed without clear policy decisions having been taken .
17 The last time Iraq threatened Kuwait , in 1966 , the Brits flew 6000 troops into the principality where they sweated quietly for a few summer weeks until , the point having been taken , no more was heard about Iraq 's 19th province .
18 Astonished neighbours of Capricorn , a Halberg Rassy 45 owned by Norwegian Sigurd Ruud-Pedersen , reported six full bin bags of oranges having been taken aboard .
19 The amendment also provided for the election to public office of independents and candidates put forward by " organizations with recognized representation " , and allowed for the recreation of the post of Prime Minister ( the functions of this post having been taken over by the President in 1979 ) .
20 Despite the referendum result , opponents of the change argued that the vote was only an opinion poll and had no legal force ; the original decision to name the city after Lenin having been taken by the USSR Supreme Soviet , they claimed , it could only be rescinded by its modern equivalent — the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies .
21 The design process must be managed so that it is completed to quality within cost and time targets and with all necessary decisions having been taken and expressed fully and clearly in specifications and drawings .
22 absolutely but that is n't quite the same as actually having been taken up and developed up to ninety six .
23 They are likely to include the following : ( a ) the execution and exchange of the acquisition agreement ( by which Newco will buy the business from the vendor ) ; ( b ) the managers having subscribed in cash for ordinary shares in Newco ; ( c ) the passing of any necessary shareholders ' resolutions ; ( d ) receipt by the investors of a satisfactory accountants ' report , audited accounts and management accounts ; ( e ) the managers having entered into service agreements ; ( f ) receipt by the investors of certificates of title ; ( g ) the investors being satisfied with the loan and banking facilities being provided to Newco ; ( h ) keyman insurance having been taken out for the benefit of the company over the lives of each of the managers .
24 She was in church last Sunday morning , having been taken in a wheelchair by a friend .
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