Example sentences of "having [been] make " in BNC.

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1 Having been made to look stupid , he let us go without even checking up on the tax or the tyre .
2 But the perambulating jury dismissed these proceedings as having been made under duress of Hugh Despenser , then Edward I 's Justice of the Forest .
3 Eden was so angry at having been made a fool of that the Director General of MI6 , Sir John ‘ Sinbad ’ Sinclair , was obliged to retire prematurely and was replaced by the head of MI5 , Sir Dick White .
4 you are regarded as not having been made redundant at all ;
5 Aims of subject syllabuses were very generalised , no attempt having been made to isolate any specific terminal or intermediate objectives in respect of knowledge , skills or attitudes to be developed .
6 Dunlop 's claim could not be supported by any record of a lump-sum payment having been made to Kilpatrick .
7 Marie-Claire Alain makes a wonderful sound on the organ of the Vienna Konzerthaus , and at least this disc has the advantage of having been made withe the organ and orchestra in the same building .
8 The company has always stood for excellence in analogue sound reproduction , its fame having been made by its first and longest running model , the LP12 turntable .
9 It was possible that the whole of it could date from 1670 , having been made from two different pieces of silver .
10 Five of the men arrested in the Rathcoole district were released within twenty-one days and two more after a much longer period , but without ‘ allegations ’ having been made to justify their detention .
11 Research has consistently demonstrated that the transfer of older clients from hospital to the community can be very problematic with older people being sent home without adequate arrangements having been made for their continuing care ( Victor 1983 ) .
12 The outlines of Freud 's later theory were made available in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , the first mention of the death instincts having been made in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle .
13 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
14 Butterworth was ‘ on the skids ’ , having been made a scapegoat by Acheson for the bankruptcy of American policy in China ; Butterworth would shortly be posted abroad , which was correct as he soon afterwards departed to be American minister in Stockholm .
15 Although many more ancient monuments and ruins existed than survive today , they were either thought of as relatively recent ruins or natural phenomena , or else they were explained away as having been made by gods or legendary heroes .
16 A feature of the blades is that several showed traces of having been made from river-worn cobbles .
17 I turn now to consider the arguments advanced on behalf of Woolwich in support of its right to recover the payments it made as money had and received or as having been made under duress , two grounds which it was accepted shaded into one another .
18 It was held both by Avory J. and the Court of Appeal that the payment in terms of the unlawful condition was not voluntary having been made for the purpose of obtaining the licence and could therefore be recovered as in Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 .
19 In fact he did not do the work for which he was paid and , indeed , after December 1987 there was no record of any quarterly VAT returns whatsoever having been made .
20 Accordingly , there is no possibility that any moneys paid into the account by Barclays Bank Plc. or Kleinwort Benson Ltd. would still be there now , the last payments made by those parties pursuant to the interest rate swaps transactions having been made in September 1989 and September 1987 respectively .
21 Clearly the Order was prepared in some haste , but it can not be brushed aside as having been made out of an excess of caution .
22 As many wartime evacuees found to their alarm , rural housing remained at a lower standard than that to be found in most urban areas , with only slow progress having been made in the provision of piped water , sewerage and electricity .
23 A hospital in the Bradford district had renovated some ward space for geriatric patients who subsequently ended up elsewhere , the purchasers presumably having been made an offer they could n't refuse .
24 Some connection having been made in his mind , he began to rebuke her for a belief in the reality of Noah 's Ark , which he referred to sarcastically as the Myth of the Deluge .
25 Those dependent on state benefits have fared particularly badly during the 1980s , eligibility conditions having been made more stringent and the rates of many of the benefits having been cut .
26 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
27 94 , the plaintiff , a seaman , claimed that the defendant , the captain of his ship , had promised him five guineas over and above his ordinary wages if he would perform some extra work in navigating the ship , the promise having been made , when the ship was in danger , to induce the seamen to exert themselves .
28 These consist solely of the ‘ pure ’ text , no attempt having been made to annotate the text .
29 She had never so much resented having been made to take over responsibility for the dog from old Adam , who had been used to walk him , than on that day .
30 A negligent misrepresentation is one made by someone who believes it to be true but has no reasonable grounds for so believing , e.g. a car dealer who claims as having been made in 1959 , a car of a type not manufactured before 1960 .
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