Example sentences of "having [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I adored acting and singing , and was fortunate in having opportunity for both at school .
2 ‘ Well , who 's that you were having nookey with last night ? ’
3 That MP was the minister of the previous administration having responsibility at the time for the administration of civil aviation .
4 The Law Society recommended the appointment of a minister of justice to end the ‘ shambles ’ caused by half a dozen Whitehall departments having responsibility for administering the judicial system .
5 Virtually all libraries did nominate someone as having responsibility for training ( only six libraries did not ) so at first sight it would appear that theoretically at least item ( 1 ) above has been largely fulfilled .
6 Anyone having responsibility for an assignment must have sufficient authority delegated to him to ensure the success of the assignment .
7 Future development of social work practice in this area seems probable , with a social worker having responsibility for relating to a particular Home and its residents .
8 As in central government , the functional principle of allocation ( see Chapter 2 ) is widely used , with departments having responsibility for particular services ( education , housing , social services , and so forth ) ; however , in local government allocation by process is also quite widespread , with departments of engineers or architects , for example , providing specialist services throughout their authority .
9 The Panel regards each director of the offeror and the offeree company as having responsibility under the City Code to ensure , so far as he is reasonably able , that the City Code is complied with in the conduct of an offer .
10 169 authorities ( 147 boroughs and 22 urban district councils ) having responsibility within counties for elementary education were abolished , leaving 63 county councils and 83 county boroughs with a unified responsibility for all the stages of education within their boundaries .
11 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
12 Have + direct object + to can also evoke the idea of " having present for the purpose of " : ( 7a ) He had four examiners to ask him all sorts of questions .
13 Mr Salmond has to appear pure in heart to his diehard fundamentalists by never again having truck with four letter words like devolution .
14 Alternatively , the title could be ‘ Care of the patient suffering from — ’ or , ‘ having difficulty with — ’
15 In a typical situation , a teacher might introduce terms such as paragraph , sentence , topic sentence , phrase , cohesion or reference , if a pupil is having difficulty with some aspects of the textual organisation of his or her writing .
16 It was stressed to us that pupils having difficulty with English because it was their second language should not be equated with pupils with other special educational needs .
17 At table that evening , the current Macleod seemed depressed ; he was having difficulty with relatives .
18 He seemed to be having difficulty with the second pint , and had only drunk a third of it when he looked at his watch .
19 Games became more difficult in Ottawa , generally the ice became much quicker — at one Club members were having difficulty with the speed of the ice .
20 Labour Front-Bench Members seem to have committed themselves to a single currency despite the fact that some of their Back-Bench supporters continue strongly to oppose it , although they are having difficulty with the question whether a European central bank would be independent .
21 Although one can understand the Opposition having difficulty with their own Back Benchers , I never expected that they would have difficulty with members of their own Front Bench .
22 Where centres are having difficulty with Learning Outcome 5 they may consider noting discrepancies on a discrepancy report form .
23 While I was lying there staring at the ceiling counting the number of tiles I heard a girl going ‘ ouch , ouch that hurts ’ , when I looked over she was having difficulty with the needle going in and I noticed she was barely gripping the nice bit of perspex .
24 This description of " fluency " is hardly helpful to anyone who is having difficulty with English grammar or idioms , however .
25 Despite sustaining a broken ankle in the impact , and having difficulty with his parachute harness , the pilot succeeded in making good his escape .
26 So what s what , well let let's get on to something a bit more s as it were specific , I mean what sort of things are you , are you behind with and having difficulty with then ?
27 You said that in our newsletter , because our checkout manager said that she 's found life extremely difficult with all the changes of shifts , and that in her department they have lots of problems , so she 's got like a pro forma checkout news , and she asks them for things that go into this , that they , you know , that they want bringing up , and specific things that they 're having difficulty with .
28 I can see we 're having difficulty with these questions no it 's just the answers , okay , question five , now this one 's easy if you 're a surgery , if you have a tracheotomy , where would you show off the scar ?
29 They also feel obligated to deal as effectively as possible with whatever problems these casual encounters throw up , such as people asking advice about a summons or other aspects of the law , or about some official form which they are having difficulty in completing , how to get rid of obstructions on the pavement outside their house , or traffic obstructions .
30 He seemed to be having difficulty in controlling the muscles which worked in his forehead and at the corners of his mouth .
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