Example sentences of "having [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ella liked having Patrick to herself .
2 I adored acting and singing , and was fortunate in having opportunity for both at school .
3 Instead of having Matt to myself , when I have n't seen him for months and months , I have to share him with this wretched woman who ca n't get her act together !
4 ‘ Better than having claws like some people ! ’
5 ‘ Well , who 's that you were having nookey with last night ? ’
6 I mean actually decentralizing the power , by having groups of Ward Councillors , on an area basis , actually having the power decentralized to them and having open meetings in various parts of the City where you 've got the nine or twelve Councillors from three or four wards who 'd actually have a lot of power delegated to them , and so we would try and put power downwards .
7 It 's like a pilot having opinions about aeroplanes , nobody thinks that 's odd .
8 Names mentioned as possibly on the short-list are Paul Stern , lately of Northern Telecom Ltd and seen as having enemies among IBM 's present top brass ; Perot Systems Corp chairman Morton Meyerson , Motorola Inc chief executive George Fisher and Louis Gerstner , chairman of RJR Nabisco Inc .
9 That MP was the minister of the previous administration having responsibility at the time for the administration of civil aviation .
10 The Law Society recommended the appointment of a minister of justice to end the ‘ shambles ’ caused by half a dozen Whitehall departments having responsibility for administering the judicial system .
11 Virtually all libraries did nominate someone as having responsibility for training ( only six libraries did not ) so at first sight it would appear that theoretically at least item ( 1 ) above has been largely fulfilled .
12 Anyone having responsibility for an assignment must have sufficient authority delegated to him to ensure the success of the assignment .
13 Future development of social work practice in this area seems probable , with a social worker having responsibility for relating to a particular Home and its residents .
14 As in central government , the functional principle of allocation ( see Chapter 2 ) is widely used , with departments having responsibility for particular services ( education , housing , social services , and so forth ) ; however , in local government allocation by process is also quite widespread , with departments of engineers or architects , for example , providing specialist services throughout their authority .
15 The Panel regards each director of the offeror and the offeree company as having responsibility under the City Code to ensure , so far as he is reasonably able , that the City Code is complied with in the conduct of an offer .
16 169 authorities ( 147 boroughs and 22 urban district councils ) having responsibility within counties for elementary education were abolished , leaving 63 county councils and 83 county boroughs with a unified responsibility for all the stages of education within their boundaries .
17 Some of these casual workers possess the additional advantage of having contacts amongst other persons interested in occasional work , so that they rather than all of these individuals are contacted when a large number of staff are required .
18 Otherwise we shall be having conflicts with the amateur dramatics society .
19 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
20 Have + direct object + to can also evoke the idea of " having present for the purpose of " : ( 7a ) He had four examiners to ask him all sorts of questions .
21 Mr Salmond has to appear pure in heart to his diehard fundamentalists by never again having truck with four letter words like devolution .
22 Alternatively , the title could be ‘ Care of the patient suffering from — ’ or , ‘ having difficulty with — ’
23 In a typical situation , a teacher might introduce terms such as paragraph , sentence , topic sentence , phrase , cohesion or reference , if a pupil is having difficulty with some aspects of the textual organisation of his or her writing .
24 It was stressed to us that pupils having difficulty with English because it was their second language should not be equated with pupils with other special educational needs .
25 At table that evening , the current Macleod seemed depressed ; he was having difficulty with relatives .
26 He seemed to be having difficulty with the second pint , and had only drunk a third of it when he looked at his watch .
27 Games became more difficult in Ottawa , generally the ice became much quicker — at one Club members were having difficulty with the speed of the ice .
28 Labour Front-Bench Members seem to have committed themselves to a single currency despite the fact that some of their Back-Bench supporters continue strongly to oppose it , although they are having difficulty with the question whether a European central bank would be independent .
29 Although one can understand the Opposition having difficulty with their own Back Benchers , I never expected that they would have difficulty with members of their own Front Bench .
30 Where centres are having difficulty with Learning Outcome 5 they may consider noting discrepancies on a discrepancy report form .
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