Example sentences of "done before the " in BNC.

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1 Some of the work for a museum catalogue may have already been done before the acquisition of a picture .
2 Everyone agrees that something will have to be seen to be done before the next annual general meeting in February .
3 Some work needs to be done before the connection between aluminium and heart disease is proved to everyone 's satisfaction .
4 Ready to concentrate on milking and hoeing and clearing away the broad beans and planting out the rest of the cabbages , so that everything was done before the harvest on Tuesday .
5 The government had divided the country into twelve divisions , circulated Circular 636 in November indicating the responsibilities of local authorities , passed a Preservation of Public Order Act and received from the Home Secretary , in February 1926 , the statement that ‘ little remained to be done before the actual occurrence of an emergency . ’
6 The Homicide Act 1957 deprived judges of their power to give authoritative rulings on the sufficiency of provocation , and the question must now be left to the jury , which should apply the test of the ‘ reasonable man ’ to everything said or done before the killing which might amount to provocation .
7 The survey of 866 dentists in the dental journal The Probe , says : ‘ When dentists were asked whether they had extracted , or referred for extraction , any teeth which they might not have done before the introduction of the 1990 contract , 61 per cent said they had , while nearly 37 per cent said they had not . ’
8 The IPG identified additional work to be done before the changeover : claimants may still have been entitled to special payments before they were abolished or entitled to benefits that they were not claiming that would affect the amount of transitional payments they would receive on transfer to the new system .
9 As we shall discuss in the next chapter , there is a lot more work to be done before the causal process underlying this relationship is laid bare : we do not know whether it is through buying a better diet or better medical care , for example , that richer countries improve their life expectancy .
10 He also became very defensive and threatened human visitors in a way that he had not done before the young were born .
11 The picture was done before the birth of Willem .
12 The sowing was done before the ploughing .
13 On the way home from school that afternoon she began to mull over the various possibilities , and when at last the germ of a brilliant idea hit her , she began to expand on it and lay her plans with the same kind of care the Duke of Wellington had done before the Battle of Waterloo .
14 This will need to be done before the start of the tax year , i.e. before 6 April .
15 ‘ Right , let's get this done before the Press get wind of what 's happened , ’ said Inspector Drew .
16 New Yorkers , alas , can be extremely dense about British art , especially about work done before the late Fifties .
17 It will be seen that the taking of evidence abroad , which must necessarily be done before the eventual trial and ( unless modern techniques such as video recordings are brought into use ) be reduced to writing , fits more naturally into the written than the oral tradition .
18 He bared his teeth and licked his lips , as Blackberry had done before the dead hedgehog on the road .
19 She insisted on sharing it with Annunziata , who looked even more gaunt than she had done before the news of her son 's survival , and then got up .
20 When her moments of lucidity grew longer , Sycorax began to issue orders to Ariel , as she had done before the fire ; first , she felt an urgency , while her slow death continued , to pass on what she knew .
21 At the last competition , one host family , horrified by the condition of their guest 's teeth , spent thousands and thousands of dollars having extensive dental work done before the finals .
22 This has to be done before the end of the time allowed for laying them before the general meeting and if any of the documents is not in the English language a certified translation must be annexed .
23 Erm to be honest the revision getting a bit neglected it 's , we 've done most of our coursework , in most subjects there 's coursework which in some subjects which has to be , not , does n't have to be done before the exam but it 's preparation , preparation work for the exams .
24 ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some other benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise .
25 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
26 A vast amount of work remains to be done before the UK can really claim to be properly policing trade in wildlife .
27 Calibration of the measuring system was done before the insertion of the probe into the rectum .
28 ( 5 ) A legal estate may subsist concurrently with or subject to any other legal estate in the same land in like manner as it could have done before the commencement of this Act .
29 Although the first issue for 1858 welcomed the Nazimov Rescript with a banner headline , and although Herzen freely acknowledged that Alexander II had earned his place in history by setting the process of emancipation in train , by May 1858 The Bell had restarted its pressure for emancipation with land and soon it was insisting that much remained to be done before the process of reform bore fruit .
30 Yeah , and that used to be our strength before , er that 's the sphere of operations done before the there was more , if you like , , technology , shall we say , associated with varying sort of manual valves than what there is power valves , in other words power valves offers it up to people like , or
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