Example sentences of "done in the " in BNC.

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1 Chatterton is as much as anything the famous painting of his death in a Holborn attic done in the 1850s by Henry Wallis — with the poet lying across the bed in a kind of frozen entrechat .
2 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
3 But more likely is the possibility that it will continue to respond to events , in the way it has done in the past — and there is no guarantee that the evolution Cox envisages will be any more natural than the modernization of Iran seemed to be in the 1970s .
4 There 's too much to be done in the garden to leave it for a week or more .
5 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
6 This was evidently done in the friendly but sharp exchanges in Kermode 's seminar in the early seventies .
7 A literary text is , manifestly , the product of a particular historical situation , and may be interpreted in the light of its origins and initial reception , as has been done in the discussions of Romantic literature by Marilyn Butler and Jerome J. McGann , who can be called New Historicists minus the ideological charge .
8 The abandonment yesterday of unilateral nuclear disarmament ( although not the intention of abandoning Britain 's nuclear deterrent at the earliest opportunity while other countries keep theirs ) was done in the same spirit of moralism which had gone into the banning of the Bomb .
9 Warburgs , which acted for BAT , was ranked first in the table , with £23.6bn of deals done in the period .
10 The decision to ‘ expel ’ the first batch of embassy refugees to the West was a ‘ humanitarian act ’ done in the interests of the many children involved and to avoid epidemics .
11 A Labour government would start to do what the Tories should have done in the oil-rich years .
12 By 1952 the contacts Ramsey had made in the US led to her being awarded a Smith-Mundt scholarship and she toured the country speaking as an authority on what was then pioneering work being done in the UK .
13 The new system for arranging Eurobond issues is derived from the way new issues have been done in the US for many years .
14 This , he said , would clear the way for an interim repayment to the depositors , and although there were some small administration problems , he saw no reason why this should not be done in the ‘ near future ’ .
15 Only when the inevitable standing ovation was over , and their work was done in the conference hall , could they relax .
16 Bernard Lane , one of the authors of the handbook , said : ‘ The students find that there is much more that can be done in the village than was thought .
17 Our panel gave more weight to unemployment throughout the final campaign than they had done in the Pre-Campaign wave .
18 The Bolsheviks proved in the Civil War that they could defend the minorities just as well , or indeed better than the Tsarist regime had done in the Great War .
19 He confessed that everyone trusted him now , as they had done in the old days .
20 He urged the unemployed of the north to ‘ get on your bike ’ and look for work , as his window-cleaner father had done in the thirties .
21 The British still believed themselves to retain ‘ shared values ’ which the debate over a national educational curriculum in the 1980s helped stimulate anew , as it had done in the French Third Republic after 1875 .
22 The undergraduates of Magdalene used to say about their Master that he spent the morning doing nothing and spent the afternoon writing about what he had done in the morning .
23 The main damage was done in the first twelve months , when GDP fell by 3 per cent , industrial production by 9 per cent , and unemployment doubled to 2.5 million .
24 As a result , because they saw descent groups as enlarged families , something which Marx and Engels had themselves done in The German Ideology , but which they later emphatically rejected , Marx saw writers such as Maine arguing that monogamy , the subjugation of women , the nuclear family and private property were ineluctable basic principles in the nature of man .
25 Concepts like labour organized life in much the same way as the notion of God had done in the Middle Ages , and it had as little material reference .
26 But even this is done in the name of a supposed ‘ immediate sensuous charge ’ rather than any more extended critical capacity of art or the aesthetic .
27 Generally , the rate of performance ( that is , sums done in the time allotted or the time taken to complete the task ) is scored rather than its accuracy .
28 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
29 While Mountbatten was still alive , Charles had begun working on many projects and had become enthused by what he could do to help the young and the disadvantaged ; he was fired by what needed to be done in the inner cities and keen to find ways of defusing racial tension .
30 There was no question of simply negotiating a deal with one American company , as producers had done in the 1930s , and then just hoping for the best .
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