Example sentences of "though with the " in BNC.

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1 And Tate proceeded to cite , with equanimity and approval , some of the non-English writers whom Eliot had solicited for The Criter- ion , or else had approved there : Charles Maurras , Paul Valéry , Henri Massis , Oswald Spengler — several of whom would not unjustly , though with the benefit of hindsight , be condemned later as Fascist or proto-Fascist .
2 Not a wildly exciting play , though with the production in the safe hands of Alfred Bradley and charming performances all round , it was always easy to listen to .
3 They widened even more and his eyebrows went up and down , with an odd little flicker , as though with the effort of forcing his message silently across the air to Jinny .
4 It should be possible to have a thorough survey carried out for about £400 on a modest house , and it is sometimes worth every penny , though with the limitations I have described .
5 They are still relatively cheap and more readily available , even though with the destruction of forest and pasture lands many traditional building materials based on plants are already scarce .
6 The third major institution of the EEC was the Parliamentary Assembly , which replaced the ECSC advisory body , though with the membership increased from 78 to 142 .
7 Forces from these garrisons have been used on several occasions against recalcitrant East European governments , though with the one exception of the limited uprising in the GDR in 1953 , they have always been extensively reinforced from the Western Military Districts of the USSR .
8 Britain 's rescue drew it deeper into the American orbit , though with the introduction of Marshall Aid to promote the economic recovery of Europe by means of financing balance of payments deficits , this was to a degree common to western European countries [ Milward , 1984 ] .
9 At the level of political debate the message has also proved widely attractive , though with the qualification that whilst the political right has tended to adopt the common form , the left has preferred the more acute form of de-industrialisation .
10 To say more precisely whether these cuts produced something like the optimal solution to the level of investment ( though with the inconvenience of power cuts at the peak ) , is problematic in an economy which ( even in the 1950s ) was subject to considerable disequilibrium in prices and inherited production patterns .
11 Inhibitors of the enzyme invariably block the induction of LTP ; in most studies , STP is unaffected by PKC inhibitors r81–85 , though with the use of high doses or the combined application of inhibitors STP may also be blocked .
12 The Lieutenant 's friends were advised that the only way of getting to India , short of enlisting as a private soldier , was to travel as an officer 's servant , though with the prospect of becoming a recognised volunteer upon arrival .
13 This proposal to establish a council which would in effect supervise the government of the realm while the king was overseas was the clearest echo of the Ordinances , though with the crucial difference that it was to function only as long as the king was out of the realm : it was not the intention of the commons to subject the king permanently to conciliar restraint .
14 Harry and Fleury conferred about this problem and decided that they would club together and see if they could afford to buy some hermetically sealed provisions when there was an auction , though with the prices that food fetched now in private barter they were not very hopeful .
15 Chapter 8 can not claim to clear up the confusing array of approaches but it will offer some guidance , though with the definition of a national curriculum the role for the school in this is unclear .
16 Outside , the sun still shone , though with the approach of evening the light had lost some of its force and the room grew dimmer .
17 Weber 's argument was presented more systematically and in a somewhat different form , though with the same object in view , by Schumpeter ( 1942 , chap .
18 She was sandy-haired and rather fat and usually wore blue or grey tweeds , though with the passage of years she had become comfortably indifferent to dress .
19 The bureaucracy organized the economy in a pragmatic way , though with the eventual aim of producing a wholly monopolistic system of capitalism protected by the state .
20 Dobry 's proposal , in essence , was that the simple should be distinguished and treated expeditiously , though with the opportunity for some participation and with a safety channel to allow them to be transferred to the major category if this should prove appropriate .
21 Such is not the case though with the on-going professional development of individuals within the system .
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