Example sentences of "though on the " in BNC.

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1 A toneless , disjunctive fact , droll and very uneasy , one of those amputated thoughts I have just mentioned and –so a sensation , a crawling sensation of the time being out of joint ; there is more Hamlet to The Possessed than what is personal to Stavrogin , ‘ the Prince ’ as he first appears , though on the surface of his mind Dostoevsky evidently meant Prince Hal , not the Prince of Denmark .
2 The pace never slackens , even though on the night their big set-piece , the cloud swing , had to be cancelled because the performer had injured herself : not from doing what is actually one of the most dangerous of aerial tricks , but as is so often the way of circus , from doing something offstage unthinkingly , in this case , dancing .
3 I always thought that my Taurean nature — though on the cusp with Aries , looking forward towards another double-image sign , Gemini , which made for imbalance — was far from typical ; but certainly the bull was well and truly there in my strong sexuality .
4 Otherwise any Zuwayi might in future quarrels assert that he was justified in aggressive action because there was blood between the Zuwaya and Zliten ( though on the whole most people present thought that improbable ) .
5 The bedrooms , though on the small side , have recently been completed refurbished in sophisticated style .
6 The Government 's post-1987 initiatives have , to some extent , reflected a diagnosis based on the need for better management — though on the principle that central authorities can provide a firmer grip than local ones — but combined with an anti-collectivist belief in the restorative powers of capitalism .
7 It can be a planning tool for the library management , a statement of purpose for the board or governing body , and a source of information for library users — though on the last point some libraries may find it politic not to make known priorities so openly to their public .
8 Asshe himself sat in the midst , the long grey beard he had grown for Lear spreading out abundantly , his white hair wild as though on the blasted heath .
9 The most obvious fact about the design of The Silmarillion is that , like the Shire , it is a ‘ calque ’ , though on the history of Genesis rather than the history of England .
10 Alan had seemed impressed when he made the arrangements that the crematorium officials had been helpful and raised no objections to the DIY aspect of our undertaking , though on the whole preferring a coffin to a cardboard carton or a plastic bag .
11 So I had a market cornered and good access to American trips because I used to like writing about that , even though on the early stuff I must have affected a punk rock stance long after it was all over . ’
12 When I did the first two talks , Dawn was n't trained enough to fly , though on the second she did manage a short hop , but by the time this big lecture came along she was flying on the creance .
13 Class accents lie at the heart of such mimicry , though on the printed page a betraying turn of phrase , or a tell-tale choice of words like ‘ dodgy ’ or ‘ darling ’ , can be represented more easily than an impure vowel .
14 In both Italy and Spain , parliamentary approval of the Maastricht treaty went though on the nod .
15 Not only does a tower provide a landmark , alerting everyone for miles around to the presence of the brewery , it also provides the brewery with a trademark , though on the printed version the mill has acquired the adornment of four sales — historically inaccurate but more symmetrical !
16 Since most of England south of the Trent was now in a state of cultivation , there was little opportunity for drovers to strike across country and create new lines of movement , though on the moorlands north of the Trent they may have done so .
17 It brought to his notice the heap of auburn hair and , taking his time , he let his eyes stroll down a pinched but puckish face , breasts which looked firm though on the small side and the rest , as he would guess , in regular working order .
18 It is not certain , therefore , whether the rule in Quenerduaine v. Cole would apply , though on the whole I think it would , because I do not think that a court would speculate on the reasons that moved B to telegraph rather than write .
19 Some of the NEW group had opinions which were slightly dotty , though on the whole , in comparison with today 's weirdies , they were a conventional lot .
20 My original thought was to submit this article for publication in the Shropshire Star on April Fools ' Day , the joke being that a railway to Clun was in fact planned , though on the 1st of April nobody would believe it !
21 I welcome the Bill , even though on the surface it hands considerable powers from Parliament to Ministers .
22 ‘ Yes , the old man had a wry sense of humour though on the face of it the other provisions in his will are probably more important .
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