Example sentences of "though of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When you start there is a sense in which everything you do is right , there is no clear sense of wrong , though of course it is here that you may make the inevitable false move , take the inevitable wrong turning .
2 It is built up as a result of encountering these words in print as one is learning to read , though of course new word forms will be added throughout adult life as they are encountered .
3 Weekend conference and seminar and study group , doctoral dissertations , and communally compiled working papers toward another Annotated Index — we may agree , as I do , that in present historical conditions these are the best or the only ways of responding to the achievement of a very great , though of course imperfect , poet .
4 This was one of the reasons why they were more prepared than many sedentary peasants to escape over huge distances in the Famine , though of course hunger was the main spur .
5 During the Election the National Government would remain in being , though of course each Party would fight the Election on its own lines .
6 If Alice were marrying one of the Irish Guards on duty at Buckingham Palace today , she would probably comment , not that his life is ‘ terrible hard ’ ( though of course training is tough ) , but that it is terribly varied .
7 The entry specified that he had Spanish as a foreign language , which made me smile , for his Spanish had never been more than rudimentary , though of course it might have improved since he was in Salamanca .
8 Women 's exemption from these time-geared precepts was the result both of their extensive periods of ritual impurity and of their designated role as closeted homemakers — though of course in making such a statement , we immediately involve ourselves in a greater degree of circularity .
9 Though of course Müller-Claudius 's ‘ sample ’ was hardly a representative one , the responses have more than a ring of plausibility about them , and , coming from Nazis who had been in the Party since before Hitler 's ‘ seizure of power ’ , can be extended a fortiori to ‘ non-organized ’ Germans .
10 The same techniques and ground preparation suits them , though of course the fleece has to be removed when the seedlings are up .
11 Mr Bob Wybrow of Gallup reckons that year by year only about a tenth of his own time is occupied with politics , and ‘ about two per cent of the organisation 's time ’ , though of course this doubles in an election year .
12 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
13 His division , having seen a great deal of dogged fighting on and around Ruweisat before the Alamein offensive , had been lightly engaged in the great action itself , though of course , their guns took part in the famous opening barrage .
14 I shall therefore take the liberty of treating her as a character , not utterly different in kind , though of course belonging to a very different social species , from Vic Wilcox .
15 But there is a widespread , though of course not universal , feeling that some of the restrictions on civil and political rights have been largely due to government 's desire to avoid criticism and political embarrassment and to suppress dissent .
16 She knew nothing about him ( none of us did ) , though of course she could see both how he looked and how we all looked at him .
17 Though of course , ’ the Society went on , ‘ this by itself is far from sufficient to satisfy requirements . ’
18 He had never been this close to him before , though of course he had seen him from a distance on parade , the short , brisk figure in green and white , dwarfed by the forest of cocked hats around , yet somehow contriving to dominate them all .
19 There were two sisters ahead of me in the family , and though of course I did not know it , there was heady talk of emigration , possibly to Canada but more usually to England , the land of milk and honey and opportunity .
20 So he knows — we know — we thought we knew , though of course we may be wrong — that you should n't make the same mistake as he did , going into acting . ’
21 ‘ You have never got out of the childish habit of trying to do several things at once , ’ Sally had said to her once ; Sally , so cool , so contained , so efficient she sometimes made Harriet feel as if she were still a child , though of course she would never admit it .
22 Being the only girl in a family of seven was bad enough but there were no other girls anywhere near my age in our local area either , though of course I went to an all-girl convent school .
23 Instead , comparison of progress with a checklist of internationally agreed good practice would be more helpful , though of course , knowledge of what constitutes good practice can only emerge after experience has accumulated .
24 There are nearly as many trips by cycle as by car , though of course the cycle trips are much shorter .
25 The menacing threat of critical doubt is empty , though of course if the victim thinks that the pistol is loaded , the threat is real enough for him .
26 ‘ We did not wish to be speaking of it ’ , though of course I regretted our separation .
27 I would talk about it to your mum , though of course it would be kinder if you did not mention the business about fancy girlfriends . ’
28 A second time of close companionship now began , though of course the group had kept in close touch by correspondence and short visits in the interval .
29 The great majority of consumers get their fuel on credit , in that they pay monthly or quarterly in arrears , though of course the cost of this credit is not charged separately to them as interest .
30 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
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