Example sentences of "though [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Horton broke off and looked at Wycliffe as though apologising for boring him .
2 Penry closed his eyes tightly as though praying for patience .
3 A darkly florid officer with black moustache walked briskly through the debris , gazing round as though looking for someone .
4 She opened the rear door and looked in as though looking for something she had mislaid .
5 Her shoulders were hunched up high and her lips were pressed together tight and she sat there gripping her mug of tea in both hands and staring down into it as though searching for a way to answer these not-quite-so-innocent questions .
6 For a long , endless moment he gazed into her eyes as though searching for answers , then he released her .
7 He held her away to arm 's length , his kindly brown eyes sweeping her face as though searching for clues .
8 Actually , I find snowdrops rather insipid , ’ he admitted as though searching for an excuse for his negative attitude .
9 From 1969 the direction and administration of programmes was handed over to an African organisation ( SEPA ) with its headquarters in Accra , though training for Science Educators is offered under its auspices at Njala , Sierra Leone .
10 The Duke held up his branch like a banner and began to lead the way along to the east gate , but a large part of the crowd stayed in a half-circle round the group at the table , as though waiting for the victor 's crow in the cockfight .
11 He looked at Bigwig , as though waiting for him to ask another question .
12 She was staring straight past me , sitting very still , as though waiting for somebody to come out of the house .
13 Looking up in surprise , she found he had one eyebrow raised as though waiting for her to make some sarcastic comment , which successfully ensured that she did n't do any such thing .
14 Government relied on its house-building campaign , postponing action on slum housing , though calling for more information from local authorities to carry out surveys of their areas .
15 Hauser called out as though asking for the tea to be served .
16 He groped vaguely with his right hand as though reaching for a brush and as he did so he experienced an intolerable contraction in his chest , a paralysing pain , and with a cry of anguish he fell , taking the stool with him .
17 Though selecting for the polyadenylated mRNA on oligo(dT) affinity columns is possible , it is notoriously difficult even for the nimble fingered .
18 On June 8 , 1991 , he called on the government to resign and , on June 11 , mobilized the army reserves as though preparing for another coup .
19 She paused , as though hoping for some kind of contradiction .
20 ‘ We choose every item personally as though shopping for ourselves , paying particular attention to practicality and originality . ’
21 It takes a long time to warm up , a very long time , but then I sleep as though practising for death .
22 Quite a few had chosen to be self-employed even though working for someone .
23 Then she began a curious movement , rubbing her hand over her face , as though feeling for something or wanting something .
24 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
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