Example sentences of "though [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In reality no fish has to eat a vast amount of food , though luckily for us some are right pigs !
2 He would have graduated from sweeping the floor , running errands and being a " reading boy " in his first two years , to distributing type and learning the case , then to typesetting and if he was lucky to making up and imposition , though rarely to the refinements of display work .
3 It was small wonder that anti-war and pacifist groups flourished in the labour movement of the time , though rarely among seamen and , it seems , hardly at all among their leaders , though initially " hating the Hun " was far from easy , for German seamen had long been colleagues and comrades , not only aboard ship , but also in organisations affiliated to the International Transport Workers ' Federation .
4 Much of the stock consists of books that might be found elsewhere — though rarely in such a comprehensive collection .
5 It is startling to read that his father paid him a visit in hospital , though presumably without knowing his son was being treated for gonorrhoea .
6 No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it , though presumably on more civilised lines than the tunnel punch-up which followed their last match here .
7 Studies by BGS have shown that increased concentrations of sulphate in pore waters beneath trees , though mostly of little consequence , can in some circumstances result in metals such as aluminium being leached into shallow groundwater , which could have potentially serious consequences where these waters are used for drinking .
8 Considering the number of PFK readers who would like to see their Puffers inflate just once ( though arguably as a sign of stress this is n't such a great idea ) many marine fishkeepers would have been thrilled .
9 If he was already on his way out , she would simply have to find some way of stopping him , though right at this moment she did n't have a clue just what that would be .
10 At the mention of shooting , as though right on cue the faint sound of gunfire erupted on the night wind .
11 So had Nicol perceptibly brightened , though rather with the hope of getting his revenge on the devils who had tumbled him from the wagon , and threatened his companions with steel and arrows .
12 This method is used in France , though only as a party game , not actually for electing governments .
13 It is above the eighth magnitude , and is visible with × 7 , though only as a dim blur ; its real distance is 69000 light-years , so that it is much further away than the brighter globular clusters such as M13 Herculis and Omega Centauri .
14 He can have a partner , though only as a secondary figure .
15 Hats and stockings featured too , as did iron wares , though only to the extent of an annual £20,000 by the 1750s .
16 And all thanks I got was to be sacked at end of summer — though only for a few months , that is , 'cos of the revolution .
17 Though only for pistols .
18 What Gandalf said to Frodo at the start , we should realise , was that he might be able to give the Ring away or destroy it , though only with a struggle ; he could not however be made to want to do so ( except by some kind of dangerous thought-control ) .
19 It can be kept in a community environment though only with species larger than itself .
20 The Old Frog had further insisted that his son command British troops , on which point the Duke had also been forced to yield , though only on condition that reliable British officers were appointed to serve on the Young Frog 's staff .
21 OPCS , of course , is a major data repository for medical statistics and their various Monitor Series are of use , though only at the scale of district health authority and above ( see Gatrell and Lovett 1988 for an example ) .
22 The polytechnic staff were now on a work to rule , though only at local level — a vote or so at national level having gone against them in spite of a good deal of cooking of the agenda — and she was , as she said , too busy getting a strike fund to so much as think of earning , let alone working ; let alone getting to bed before Bernard had long since fallen asleep .
23 On the basis of privately commissioned opinion polls showing an increasing majority in favour of some measure of divorce legislation , FitzGerald agreed with his cabinet to proceed with a referendum on whether to change the constitution so as to allow divorce for marriages irretrievably broken down , though only after a period of five years ' actual breakdown and legal separation .
24 AT CONSERVATIVE Central Office , the Prime Minister expressed his confidence in winning a clear overall majority , though only after being drawn into a discussion on how a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition leading to proportional representation and devolution for Scotland would irrevocably change the face of Britain .
25 He was forced to withdraw his dissolution , though only after more than two years of controversy , during which time the Council had gone about its business and drafted a number of decrees that restrained the power of the papacy , and laid down reforms throughout the Church .
26 He attacked the eastern Angles between 649/50 and 652 and expelled King Anna whose unexpected return temporarily checked the Mercian advance , though only until 654 or 655 when Penda invaded East Anglian territory again and this time slew him ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
27 Now suffering is a vast and many-sided fact of Crime and Punishment , as of all mature Dostoevsky — larger than the ‘ loose end ’ idea of The Drunks which produced Marmeladov the marmeladey wallower in abasement and humiliation , the man who seeks suffering and finds it ( and so finds satisfaction too ) at the bottom of his vodka jug , who screams ‘ I 'm loving this ! ’ when his wife pulls him across the room by his hair ; and larger than the ‘ out of the practical swim ’ idea of ‘ A Confession ’ from which emerges the murderer , the man with something to confess , who does n't seek suffering but learns , though only in the Epilogue , to accept it .
28 In 1986 a law was passed that required donations to be valued at cost rather than an invented ‘ appreciated ’ value for tax purposes — though only in cases where the deductions would reduce the donor 's tax bill to zero .
29 As well as heroic pieces for full orchestra , oboe , flutes , bassoon , euphonium and piano all had their moments , though only in one section , ‘ Distant Hills ’ , did I detect any specific Chinese influence .
30 He admitted he felt somewhat bitter , though only in Latin : Quadam amaritudine affectus sum , and resolved to stress henceforward the positive aspects of collegiality .
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