Example sentences of "though [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The films were inevitably foreign and subtitled , and even if we did n't understand them it was as though through exposure to some cinematic photosynthesis we would absorb the esoteric and become all the better intellectually for it .
2 Although I did my best not to , something of my scepticism must have betrayed itself , for Mr Farraday then added , as though for reassurance , that were it to prove necessary , then an additional member of staff could be hired .
3 He voted against church disestablishment in Ireland , also against the secret ballot , though for temperance reform .
4 She was lying on her side and Hugh was on his side also , clinging to her back , as though for protection .
5 He had a bleeper in his house which wakes him up for every call though for insurance reasons he can not join the men .
6 Athens was expelled from Boiotia in 446 , and the Boiotian League was perhaps reorganized now ; in a valuable description the Oxyrhynchus Historian ( chapter xvi ) gives the system essentially as it was in the 440s , though for instance he takes account of Plataia 's destruction in 427 , after which Thebes took her votes .
7 Outbuildings , including a fourteenth-century chapel , now a garden shed , appear to huddle round the medieval manor as though for warmth , giving the whole an informal and completely unselfconscious appearance .
8 She looked across the desk at Wycliffe as though for encouragement , but none came ; his expression remained bland ; she could not even be sure that he was looking at her or whether his gaze was focused on the window behind her .
9 It can be used though for undergravel filtration in fry rearing tanks where high turnover is not required and the food size is very very small .
10 Moreover , when barons and knights gathered together in arms , as though for war , who could tell what conspiracies and rebellions might not follow ?
11 Several of the Georgian mansions in Gone With the Wind ( 1939 ) , together with most of the burning buildings of Atlanta ( or rather , the buildings in front of those supposed to burning in the distance ) were the work of the talented matte painter Jack Cosgrove , though for montage sequences he had help from the neighbouring MGM effects department , since MGM and Selznick , the producer , were both located in Culver City .
12 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
13 Above : Unidentified regular infantry unit in field dress ; the fact that some enlisted men wear the crossed rifles on the left side of their slouch hats presumably dates the photograph after July 1899 , when the badge was authorized ( though for wear on the front ) .
14 In the rheumatology trials which we carried out , all the patients were on orthodox first-line anti-inflammatory drugs at the start of the trials , though after treatment a number were able to discontinue these .
15 As a result I took no part in organized college sport , though despite lack of skill I enjoyed an occasional game of squash .
16 When you start there is a sense in which everything you do is right , there is no clear sense of wrong , though of course it is here that you may make the inevitable false move , take the inevitable wrong turning .
17 It is built up as a result of encountering these words in print as one is learning to read , though of course new word forms will be added throughout adult life as they are encountered .
18 Weekend conference and seminar and study group , doctoral dissertations , and communally compiled working papers toward another Annotated Index — we may agree , as I do , that in present historical conditions these are the best or the only ways of responding to the achievement of a very great , though of course imperfect , poet .
19 This was one of the reasons why they were more prepared than many sedentary peasants to escape over huge distances in the Famine , though of course hunger was the main spur .
20 During the Election the National Government would remain in being , though of course each Party would fight the Election on its own lines .
21 If Alice were marrying one of the Irish Guards on duty at Buckingham Palace today , she would probably comment , not that his life is ‘ terrible hard ’ ( though of course training is tough ) , but that it is terribly varied .
22 The entry specified that he had Spanish as a foreign language , which made me smile , for his Spanish had never been more than rudimentary , though of course it might have improved since he was in Salamanca .
23 Women 's exemption from these time-geared precepts was the result both of their extensive periods of ritual impurity and of their designated role as closeted homemakers — though of course in making such a statement , we immediately involve ourselves in a greater degree of circularity .
24 Though of course Müller-Claudius 's ‘ sample ’ was hardly a representative one , the responses have more than a ring of plausibility about them , and , coming from Nazis who had been in the Party since before Hitler 's ‘ seizure of power ’ , can be extended a fortiori to ‘ non-organized ’ Germans .
25 The same techniques and ground preparation suits them , though of course the fleece has to be removed when the seedlings are up .
26 Mr Bob Wybrow of Gallup reckons that year by year only about a tenth of his own time is occupied with politics , and ‘ about two per cent of the organisation 's time ’ , though of course this doubles in an election year .
27 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
28 His division , having seen a great deal of dogged fighting on and around Ruweisat before the Alamein offensive , had been lightly engaged in the great action itself , though of course , their guns took part in the famous opening barrage .
29 I shall therefore take the liberty of treating her as a character , not utterly different in kind , though of course belonging to a very different social species , from Vic Wilcox .
30 But there is a widespread , though of course not universal , feeling that some of the restrictions on civil and political rights have been largely due to government 's desire to avoid criticism and political embarrassment and to suppress dissent .
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