Example sentences of "taken [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apples were also taken west to Greece and Italy , and Homer refers to them in The Odyssey , which was written between 900 and 800 BC .
2 So , in the space of three years , the curious puzzle of the shrinking Sun has taken researchers from the studies of dusty old records locked away in the files of the world 's most famous observatory to speculations about the internal workings of the Sun and a grim warning of the possible climatic future that will confront the next generation of human beings on an already overcrowded planet .
3 Two penalties by Derek McAleese put them 6-0 up in as many minutes and five minutes later after a huge McAleese kick had taken play to the corner Davie Tweed won the line out and Johnny Caskey nipped over for the try which McAleese converted .
4 They were afraid to ta but if they 'd had that if they 'd told me to provide an extra coach for the Manchester as I was suggesting , Dougie would have come out and taken strips off them for You see .
5 Recently the Commission has taken Germany to court because its law relating to the support of its film industry retains the requirement of German nationality when handing out subsidies .
6 That 's taken sarcasm to me .
7 Crawford explained , ‘ Throughout my acting career , I have always taken notes of myself from directors and from actors .
8 A colleague had been dispatched to the market to enquire about the knives and Marshall had taken notes during a series of interviews .
9 You must avoid negative study habits — like telling yourself you 'll begin that essay when you 've taken notes from one more book .
10 The association has taken heart from a recent prosecution which saw one offender fined £20,000 .
11 Crowds have taken Mota to their hearts .
12 Erm , erm the first , finally liked to add that erm my personal thanks to all those who have taken part on the panel I 've found it immensely enriching and have been
13 It began on Oct. 1 after tens of thousands of nationalists opposed to communist party domination of the Ukrainian government had taken part for the second consecutive day in demonstrations in Kiev .
14 Amid the furore over the French deal for Normandin and Auque , Joelle Kauffman and I had both taken part via satellite in The Time , The Place , which discussed whether the British Government was right to say ‘ No deals ’ .
15 Raleigh International ( formerly Operation Raleigh ) ( 071 351 7541 ) is the biggest and best known of these organisations : nearly 6,300 young adventurers from 17 to 25 have taken part since 1984 .
16 His shiksas and replicas , hostilities and escapes , have taken part in a great game of long duration , and he can be said to be reviewing the state of play .
17 About 150 people have already taken part in these day-long courses since April .
18 Around a hundred of the staff have taken part in the buyout , which we are very pleased with .
19 By now , over 250 volunteers ( mostly university students ) have taken part in our experiments , the duration of which varies from 12 to 22 days .
20 An early advocate of national reconciliation , Muawad had taken part in the 20-member ‘ national dialogue committee ’ formed in September 1975 to find a settlement to the civil war , then five months old .
21 Mr Calfa , aged 43 , has taken part in this week 's negotiations between the government and opposition on the new cabinet line-up .
22 The last Soviet troops left the country in 1958 and Romania has not taken part in any Warsaw Pact exercises since 1968 .
23 Hardenberger also recalls that the BBC PO 's York performance of Endless Parade — a work so difficult in its string scoring that two or three other orchestras have actually refused to play it with him — is the best he has taken part in so far .
24 ‘ Have you ever taken part in a fire drill , ’ I ask a ticket collector at a station on the Jubilee Line ( which was supposed to be called the Fleet Line until the GLC 's Horace Cutler decided to change it in deference to the Queen at a cost of £50,000 ) .
25 This latest coup was attempted not by officers anxious to vindicate the army 's honour , but by disgruntled sergeants and corporals , most of them too young to have taken part in the dirty war .
26 The tabloid newspapers decided it was their duty to reveal that Gatting had invited a barmaid to his hotel room during the Test match , and that he and other players had taken part in ‘ sex romps ’ with girls from the hotel ; though how the newshounds , scrabbling around in the bushes outside , could see what was happening in the rooms was not really clear .
27 They had helped with their mother 's care when she had been at home , and taken part in planning her funeral .
28 The fact is that if I had n't taken part in the BBC television previews of the big event I would probably be riding my old friend Bonanza Boy .
29 ‘ I was really close to tears at the end , ’ said the Cambridge cox , at 38 the oldest person to have taken part in the race .
30 During the period he had also taken part in the invasion of Italy .
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