Example sentences of "thought [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These documents probably represented the more important business of the day matters which Secretary Cromwell and Lord Treasurer Burghley thought worth a special note .
2 It was , of course , what he tried to do with everyone that he thought worth the trouble .
3 He has expectations you thought worth the venture ?
4 ‘ 'When I was a child I spake as a child , I understood as a child , I thought as a child , but when I became a man , I put away childish things .
5 And he thought as a result that he knew about everything else as well and Brenda , he did n't .
6 Well I just thought as a woman not , you know as a person
7 Nice work if you can get it , I thought as the tail lights of her Daimler ( or was it a Rolls ? ) disappeared into the night .
8 Now , while I am at least mildly interested in his thoughts on evolution , why would the publisher of Angell 's book believe I would care what Gould thought about a baseball book ?
9 She thought about the men she had met .
10 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
11 With that remark I took my leave and made my way through the orchard and onto the road leading to Brigade H.Q That evening as I lay in my trench I thought about the events of the first seven days in Normandy .
12 I thought about the Commando losing his leg this morning and the two wounded being loaded on to the jeep .
13 A mind with original ideas , who wished to persuade the Protestants to be more Catholic and to persuade the Catholics to respect the truths of Protestantism , was instantly a must for those who thought about the reunion of the Churches .
14 Under the old system , where bishops were chosen by archbishops and prime ministers who thought about the needs of the nation , Ramsey would not have been chosen .
15 At first Wexford felt a curious distaste and then he thought about the dead man and what he knew of him .
16 ‘ We thought about the format , ’ said David Llewellyn , ‘ and we decided that the rule for the day was to keep two balls in play off the tee .
17 He just felt pleased when he thought about the kudos of pulling someone half his age or less .
18 Alida thought about the man once , to decide that he was not worth thinking about , and then though t no more .
19 He thought about the vegetable patch at home and sitting by it on summer days .
20 Mike , beginning to feel some exhilaration as he thought about the piece he would now have to write , and write bloody fast , pushed the thought away .
21 I thought about the early Scottish settlers of the Great Plains of America who endured terrible confusions because of the pure space they had never experienced before , except perhaps at sea .
22 He thought about the soaring , almost optimistic leap the Volkswagen would make as it cleared the edge of the cliff ( from Henry 's memory of it there was no safety barrier on that particular stretch of the Apennines ) .
23 He thought about the long , long fall and then the flames , way below .
24 And he thought about the endless mystery of objects .
25 He thought about the dignified posture of Elinor and Elinor 's mother , about how good they looked in black , about how they retained their composure even as the oblong box containing Derek slid off through a gap in the crematorium wall .
26 He thought about the way that Overdene looked at him from his glass cubbyhole whenever Henry was twenty minutes late from lunch .
27 ‘ And you never thought about the rest of your body . ’
28 He smiled as he thought about the previous night .
29 When she thought about the things he did they became even sharper , so that it felt as if an electric shock was passing right through the centre of her body .
30 Jess thought about the one and sixpence she 'd had already without permission .
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