Example sentences of "taken over the " in BNC.

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1 Even though it does seem to have taken over the house a bit . ’
2 Meanwhile Svidrigailov has taken over the suicide role , which is to say the blanket boredom has become positively terminal .
3 America is his favourite way of talking about the undiscovered country , and it shows that as well as suicide and blanket boredom he has taken over the flavour of Raskolnikov 's joke about getting used to family life .
4 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
5 If the Hindus and Sikhs of Punjab have taken over the concept of Izzat from the Muslims , the Muslims and Sikhs have adopted the dowry system from the Hindus .
6 Minto summoned the man who had recently taken over the Headington practice from the household 's former practitioner , Dr Wood .
7 The year before Mountbatten died he had taken over the reins of the United World Colleges ( UWC ) from his great-uncle .
8 Charles had taken over the role of president determined to make a positive contribution .
9 Fr Rice has taken over the running of a detoxification centre started some years ago by a Mill Hill priest who died recently .
10 He described being taken over the years to see his sick , and finally dying and almost certainly innocent father in another prison .
11 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
12 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
13 The special party congress , staged under the auspices of the 25-member ‘ working committee ’ that has taken over the functions of the Communist SED will last through the weekend .
14 Jacques Poos , the foreign minister of Luxembourg ( which has just taken over the Community 's rotating presidency ) , expressed the hope that he would be authorised to visit Baghdad on its behalf .
15 With its departure and the collapse of the junk market , no one else has taken over the role .
16 It was clear , too , that Kanhai , who had taken over the leadership from Sobers , was coming to the end of his career and that whoever took over from him would have the opportunity for an extended run in the job if he were successful .
17 Lamb had taken over the Northamptonshire leadership the previous season and had shown himself enthusiastic if inexperienced , but had then missed a good deal of the season through injury .
18 There was the young woman and her baby who had moved into the space above the coach-house , and there was the noisy couple from Luton who had taken over the empty servants ' quarters up the back stairs .
19 At Charles s shoulder , the Sergeant visibly moved , took a pace forward and would have taken over the interview , but Charles felt his authority was being diminished rapidly enough .
20 Claudia does n't like the dry summer beards of the marguerites , Argyranthemum frutescens , which have taken over the centre bed .
21 This plan was given a cautious welcome by the Social Democratic and Labour Party , led by Gerry Fitt , John Hume , and Paddy Devlin , which had taken over the leadership of ‘ constitutional ’ nationalist opinion .
22 The simultaneous news that the Commander in Chief of the Army , von Brauchitsch , had been relieved of his duties and that Hitler himself had taken over the direct military leadership of the army , together with the undeniable fact that the German advance had come to a halt and the Soviet counter-attack close to Moscow could only be staved off with partial retreats , and , not least , the entry of the United States into the war , combined to produce the first major shock to the German population during the Second World War .
23 When Italian voters go the polls today they will have a bewildering array of 116 parties to choose from , including the Movement in Defence of Motorists , the League of Housewives and Pensioners and , of course , the Party of Love , headed by Italy 's self-styled porno star , Moana Pozzi — who has recently taken over the mantle from her screen colleague and Member of Parliament , Ilona Staller , La Cicciolina , who is taking time off from politics to have a baby .
24 With at least six candidates — five Conservative and one Labour — now in the race to replace Mr Bernard Wetherill , intense behind-the-scenes soundings will be taken over the next week to try to reach a compromise .
25 Again , the frequency of masturbation is perhaps highest among older males recently defeated by a newcomer male who has taken over the sexual role in his harem .
26 In November 1979 the Iranians had taken over the American Embassy in Teheran and held the staff hostage for 444 days , only releasing them 30 minutes after Carter had left office .
27 Some have bemoaned the fast food outlet that has now taken over the odd corner of the Piazza , but this is the site of the ancient Milanese fiera ( fair ) — the name itself means Square of the Merchants — and doubtless on fair days the Piazza was not the ocean of calm many claim it must have been .
28 The couple had taken over the shop six years previously and had achieved a healthy profit through hard work .
29 The museum had taken over the northern end of the building but the main hall of what had been Damiani 's factory , with its vaulted roof and tunnels , was in semi-derelict condition , leased on occasion to a firm of Iranian-born Jews who dealt in Persian art .
30 As Harry Cohn , head of Columbia , said shortly before a heart attack killed him in 1958 : ‘ The lunatics have taken over the asylum . ’
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